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Becky's PoV
I woke up with a big headache due to hangover. I remember exactly what Phi Nam said. It's hitting around my head and guilt roaming everywhere around. I just went and freshened up myself.

I took a long time in my bathtub thinking. I came out and took some casual wear as it's a day off today. I can at least spend time with my moms. I came down and was surprised to see only nanny.

I said "Nanny where are moms."

She said "Hey they told me they're going to give you a surprise."

I said "What surprises!"

She mumbled "Oh no I said it already my tongue."

I giggled and said "Nanny you can't keep up little secrets can you?"

She just nodded no. I said "When are they coming. I want to spend time with them."

Nanny said "I don't know Becky."

I nodded and went to sofa. Thinking about what might have happened to Phi Freen then suddenly door opened and I came back to reality. I ran to see Sam mom but what made me surprise was to see Phi Freen. She is wearing a small skirt and top with two pony tails. She is holding a grey care bare plushie. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

I said "I'm sorry Phi Freen please stay with me I'll never say you to leave me again. I promise."

But she didn't speak. I looked at her face. She behaved like a child and as Sam mom and Mon mom came she went to them and said "Auntie who is she?"

I looked at them confused. But a tear escaped from my eyes. What she doesn't remember me? She is talking to Sam mom so well. Why is she behaving like a child?

They took her inside but I stood there all confused. Mon mom said "Becky come here."

I quickly went inside. Sam mom said "Becky We're sorry to say but Freen has lost her memoirs and she has been behaving like a child now. We have to take care of her since Nam has to prepare for her wedding. You remember we're the only family for her. Please don't mind ok."

I nodded and said "No mom I don't mind in-fact I'm so happy you bought her here. I can't deny it mom but I do love her and can wait until she is cured and always be by her side."

Phi Freen said "Auntie who is she. She is so tiny."

I nodded no and went beside her. I said "Phi Freen I'm not tiny. And I'm Becky your friend."

Phi Freen glared at me and said "Then why are you calling me Phi? Am I your sister?"

I nodded no and said "Ok no Phi only Freen ok."

She nodded. She has completely become a child. Nanny came out of kitchen and said "Oh you all are back Becky was missing you. Breakfast is ready. By the way who is she?"

Sam mom looked at her in a cold face for asking so many questions. Mon mom held her hand to calm her and said "Nanny she will be staying with us can you not mind cooking for her as well."

Nanny nodded and said "Yes I can no problem."

Sam mom said "If you have any I can increase your salary."

Mon mom said "Khun Sam!"

I giggled they are always like that Sam mom flexing her money while Mon mom calming her. Freen said "Why are you laughing Becky?"

I said "Nothing Freen."

We then went to kitchen. I said so much to Freen to keep her plushie in the leaving room but she is so stubborn and said that care bare will eat with her.

We all sat on the table and today Freen was sitting beside me. I put food in her plate but she only starred at me confused. I said "What happened Freen you can start eating."

She said in a baby voice "But how to eat?"

What she don't know to eat? Is she fooling me around. I then remembered oh she has forgot. But even eating. Ok then I'll feed her. I took my spoon and started feeding her. She ate peacefully.

She is so cute and adorable as child but hot and handsome when she is adult. Gosh I want my Phi Freen back. No not Phi Freen it's only Freen Becky.

I'll always stay by her side no matter what. I'll not hurt her ever in my life again. It's all because of me Freen I'm sorry.


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