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Freen's PoV
I really didn't loose my memory nor I have become a child I was just acting so that Becky would be with me. After Becky said me to leave I really felt I was such a stupid. I hurt a cute little girl. And Khun Sam is so good. I can't act anymore so I just want to say truth. I thought I'll propose Becky after a few day's but what happened just now was unbelievable.

Khun Sam is going to die and I can't do anything. I feel so hurt. I already accepted her as my mother. Really she is so kind. I don't know why I blamed her all this time. Becky ran upstairs. I know she is all broken more than me. I really feel guilty now that I enacted all this but I'll just say the truth today. I came down as Becky didn't open the door after so long.

I saw Khun Mon sitting on Khun Sam's lap. I just turned as she got up. I said "Sam mom I just wanted to say something."

Sam mom said "Well Freen I know."

I was confused like what she knows? She continued "I know you enacted all this just to make Becky be with you and I'm not mad at you."

Mon mom looked confused. She said "What you were acting all this time. You really didn't loose memory?"

I nodded yes. Sam mom said "Ok Freen go on with your plan propose Becky tomorrow don't delay it."

I said "But she is not in a good mood and moreover you're health. I'm really sorry Khun Sam."

I fell on my knees and cried. She held my shoulder and said "Freen I never said I'm mad at you. I always thought you as my child and about my condition don't worry. Let life go as we had planned. Don't cry for me I'm ok. I think you should take care of Mon and Becky when I'm not around here anymore. I know you are best for them. And please give me a grandchild before I die."

I was speechless I just looked at her with my eyes full of tears. Suddenly from behind Becky said "Freen.!"

She was shocked and sobbing. I just looked at her in shock.


Sorry for late update I was just busy.

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