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Freen's PoV
I woke up finding no one on the bed. I tried to get up from the bed and walk. I could walk but not properly. Really Becky is so hardcore. I went down slowly. I saw Becky and Sam mom watching something on the TV.

My eyes widen as I see it. Someone keeps hand on my shoulders and I turn around to see Mon mom standing. She was as furious as me. She takes my hand and drags me towards them. As they saw us they look horrified as though they've seen a ghost.

Mon mom shouted "What are you both doing? Khun Sam is this what you teach your daughter?"

Khun Sam said "It's ok Teerak calm down I was just......"

Mon mom shouted "What? You are watching a rated anime with your daughter. Is it a good idea Lady Boss."

Now I look at Becky seriously. She is just looking down I didn't know they're that afraid of Mon mom. Mon mom then turned to me and said "Ok Freen come let's go out for our dinner and we both will not let them to talk to us for a month. You both can use the couch. I'm sure you'll get a proper sleep and Becky no milk tea for a month."

She then dragged me out like a bag. We sat in the car and she told me to drive to a restaurant. I said "hmm well mom are you really going to make them sleep on couch. You know Sam mom is not well."

I sounded as calm as possible but she didn't respond. I turned towards her and saw she was crying so I stopped the car at the side and took her hands. I said "mom why are you crying?"

She immediately rubbed her tears away and said "I'll buy some milk tea and some spicy food for Khun Sam."

I said "Aren't you mad at them mom?"

She said "How can I be? You know about her condition right. I don't want her to suffer more I'll just make her happy by all the ways possible until she is with us."

She again cried I hugged her and said "Mom please don't cry I feel weak."

She just cried harder until she had no tears left. Really it's a heart breaking situation. I can't imagine how I'm going to coop up them when Sam mom is no longer around. Can I even do it? I probably don't know.

After that we went to restaurant bought the food that Mon mom asked for and we went home. Sam mom and Becky just knelt down on the floor holding their ears like small kids. They said in unison "I'm sorry mommy please forgive me."

Mon mom smiled and said "I have already forgotten. Now let's eat my stomach is growling. They both smiled and hugged her. Mon mom finally asked "Who gave you the idea to watch that kind of series?"

They both looked at each other and gulped. Then Becky said "Mom it's Aunt Jim."

Mon mom said "Well I'll talk to her later now let's eat if you again repeat it I'll surly make you both sleep on the couch."

Sam mom said "We will not do that again Teerak don't worry."

Mon mom smiled and we all went to the table. I bought the food out. Now I'm ok. I sat next to Becky and she stared at me. She whispered in my ears "Freen how's your pussy?"

I gulped and said "Hmm it still hurts Becky your so hard I'll not let you top ever again."

She giggled and whispered "But you enjoyed a lot didn't you?"

I just looked down out of shy. How can she talk that in front of her parents. Sam mom said "Freen be careful with Becky she is really a sport person. She did boxing in her college days."

I nodded and my face palm. Really this mother and daughter are the same. Mon mom hits Sam mom shoulder playfully and said "Khun Sam please be serious sometimes."

Sam mom whispered something and Mon mom blushed hard. She then winked at Becky and Becky giggled I didn't understand a bit of it so I just continued eating. Really this family is so good why didn't I be with them earlier. I held Becky's hand below table and mouthed Thank you. She just nodded and fed me as I fed her.


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