1) The Threat

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Finding a compartment was easier than refusing others from sitting next to you.

I found an empty compartment, just to let some strangers sit next to me.
Well done, Katherine.
It was not like I had no friends at Hogwarts, I just didn't have any close ones.

Answer: My trust issues.

I had been abandoned by my parents at the age of 5. And left on the side of a road, for god's sake.
Thankfully, it turned out I was found by a sober lady who was kind enough to drop me off at the orphanage, where I'd been living for years.

Professor McGonagall appeared at the orphanage with my letter from Hogwarts soon after I turned 11. From then onwards I'd been coming to Hogwarts, using the minimal money I had and selling used clothes donated to children in need.

I had been bullied by more kids than I can count because of the condition of my clothes. But, I'll be hoping to make close friends this year.


The conversation between the girls sitting in the compartment was about the 5th year boys. Firstly, I was interested in listening because that's my year too. But later, it turned to be a heated argument between the two on who's the hottest: Travis from Hufflepuff or Grayson from Gryffindor.

Feeling the uncomfortable energy, I excused myself from the compartment and looked around to see some familiar faces sitting in the compartment so I could pop in and say hi.

Finding none, I was walking back to my compartment when I heard some loud noises coming from the other side of the compartments. Slowly I walked to their compartment door and listened.
Now, look I wasn't eavesdropping. I was just curious about what was going on.
I could hear the muffled voices coming from inside the compartment.
"-way you're a pure blood. What's your background?"

"What's a pure blood ?"

Loud laughter could be heard.

"If you don't what pure blood means, what are you doing here? Get out before we make you."

I knew I had to walk away now but I stayed still.

"Are you asking for my last name? It's Riddle."

"Riddle, huh, I remember my father saying that Riddles are powerful pure blood wizards. You're saved. For now."

I tried to sneak a glance to see the Riddle guy, but I was unsuccessful. Maybe unlucky. Because when I tried to move a little forward, I tripped and fell right on my face.

Great luck, am I right?

The compartment door opened and I heard the Riddle guy say,"She fell right here."

Footsteps shuffled and I was ready to be taken to heaven. Even hell, I didn't care about my options. I'd just like to disappear right about now.

The voice I heard was clearer now.
"What is this mudblood doing here?"
I recognised him by his voice. The voice that bullied me for not having a pure blood background. It was Draco. Two years younger than me but still able to make me feel like shit.

A strong grip got me to kneel and I saw their faces. I was correct about Draco Malfoy, who was looking at me with disgust.
I looked at the person holding my arm.
There he was, the most handsome guy I'd ever seen, assisting in humiliating me.

He had curly black hair, with beautiful brown eyes. And I would keep on staring at those beautiful features as if it would take me out of the embarrassing situation I was in, if Malfoy didn't speak.
"What are you doing here mudblood," he spat.

"I-I was uh- going to the other compartment when I tripped and fell."
There was a blinding pain coming from my nose and I raised my hand to touch it. It was bleeding, that too excessively.

I broke my nose. God damn it.

The Riddle said, "Leave her, you don't want to touch to mudblood now, do you?"

"Of course I don't."
Saying that, he made a disgusted face at me and left to his compartment to sit with his girlfriend probably, who was amused with my situation.

I stood up and was about to leave when Riddle got a hold of my hand and pulled me towards him. He lowered his mouth next to my ear and whispered, "Don't let me find you near me again. I know you were eavesdropping."
His hand dropped mine and he entered his compartment.

His voice.

That voice made me get goosebumps.

I walked to the compartment and hoped one of the girls had the first aid kit.


Their reactions were hilarious and I would have fallen over laughing if my nose wasn't broken. They left the compartment and told me to change and call them if I had any problem.

I changed to my Gryffindor robes and told them to come in.

They brought a first aid kit, from which I took a large bandage and put it on my nose after applying an antiseptic.

When they started questioning what happened, I waved them off and said, "Nothing really. I'm too clumsy, just tripped," which earned a few laughs from them.


The lights turned off and the train stopped moving.
"Have we reached?" Said the girl with curly hair whose name I just found out was Rachel.

"Don't think so," I say squinting my eyes to look past the frost on the window, "Its never this cold at this time of the year."

"I know right. It seems weird, really," said Mia.

I open the compartment door and look outside,  and it turns out I was not the only person who thought of doing that.
"Who's there? Why've we stopped?" The students enquired.

I close the door, sit down and say, "Everyone's as clueless as we are."

"What do we do?" Rachel asked.

"I guess we have to wait and watch," said Mia.

And that's what we did. For a few minutes, at least. The coldness started increasing and I folded my arms.

The compartment door swinged open and a dark hooded creature entered.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" screamed Rachel.

The hooded creature turned its face to her and she screamed more.

"Hey, hey calm down Rachel," I said and earned the attention of the creature.

"Shit," I muttered as the creature glided towards me.

I felt like all the happiness was taken away.

I tried to make out it's face but it started sucking air in.

I was so cold. The cold was reaching to my soul, my eyes rolled up my head.

And the next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor as Rachel and Mia screamed.

1129 words.

First chapter done.

Pretty long, isn't it.

A lot happened in this chapter, including Katherine falling down twice in the Hogwarts Express.

How'd you like the chapter?
Never wrote such a long chapter. My head is spinning.
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