glimpse of the past

13 0 0

This will be from the point of view of Mattheo Riddle, when he was 13.


Everyone in the room was waiting in anticipation for their favourite person to come.

But minutes passed, yet she was not there. The children kept waiting for an hour but she did not show. Glumly, the children accepted that she was not coming. Except me, I still waited for her. After about three hours more, she showed up, smiling. When I saw her up close, I saw that she was hiding something. Trying to hide that sorrow deep inside her. Everyone ran up to her and greeted her. She smiled and led everyone back to the room.

I frowned, seeing her tired eyes, and would have asked her if she didn't try to hide it.


Two hours had passed and it was time for her to go back. As she got out of the room, I followed her and asked her what was wrong. She looked at me, frowning. Noticing that I was serious, she sat down on the floor and made me sit beside her. I once again repeated my question. "What's wrong?" She sighed and said, "Promise me this, when you get older and you see a guy mistreating a girl, you must protect the girl, alright."

"What's wrong?" I inquired yet again.

She took my hand and said, "Promise me Mattheo, promise me you'll help those women."

I look at her and say, "I promise."

She smiled and said, "Good."

But what I didn't notice that it was her who was mistreated by a guy. I found that out a few days later, when they told us that she was no more.

She suicided.


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