7) Tom Riddle

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This conversation was sure to take a turn for the worst, I am sure. I look towards Dumbledore and listen.

"Your father, as I know it, is Tom Riddle. He used to study here back when I used to teach Defence against the Dark Arts."

"Well, that's wonderful. I still don't get why you want to talk to me about my parents."

Dumbledore chooses to ignore Mattheo and continues, "He was an exceptional student, excelling in every subject. But something came over him, he wanted to have more power. Power greater than the greatest of wizards."

Power hungry wizard, huh, must be from Slytherin. But who is such an important person that Dumbledore personally came to tell him about? And why am I even here? Dumbledore looked burdened, as if he did not want to share this information, but he had to.

"He was then called Voldemort, the Dark Lord."

Unknowingly, I let out a gasp. It manages to catch the attention of both Dumbledore and Mattheo.

Dumbledore speaks again. "Seems like Miss Pearl knows who that is, would you mind telling Mr. Riddle of the horrors caused by Voldemort."

Shocked, I say, "Well, he -You-know-who- is the most feared man in the Wizarding World. He killed muggle borns, the half-bloods and whoever seemed like a threat to him. But he was killed by Harry Potter. That's the reason Harry's called the chosen one."

"So, what you mean to tell me is that my father is, no was the most feared man in this world. Huh, I guess I don't belong here too then," Mattheo says, letting out a bitter laugh, "I am so stupid because I thought that maybe this time, this time, I would belong somewhere. Gosh."

I take his hand in mine and squeeze it. I have never been good at comforting others, but right now I acted on impulse. Dumbledore still maintains his calm poise, and says, "That is the reason why we have kept postponing your admission to this school. The Ministry of Magic would not let us take you in. But now they've agreed, on one condition, that we have to monitor your every move."

So, that's where I come in. I'd be the one to monitor his every move.

"You, Miss Pearl, have been chosen for that role. You will teach him everything that he needs to know about this world. You will make sure that he practices all the spells he's taught and knows all the potions too."

"Right Professor."

"There is a secret room, known as the Room Of Requirement. I will hand you a map from which you can figure out where it is located."

"Does no one else know about this. That I'm the child of Voldemort," Mattheo asks Dumbledore

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger know about that. Worry not, they will not tell anyone. The Room of Requirement will be the place where you can practice spells. So I'll take my leave. Get well soon, Mr. Riddle."

Dumbledore gets up and walks out of the hospital wing. I stare at the wall, wondering what the hell had just happened. I get up, mutter out a 'goodbye' and leave. As I'm walking down the hallway, my mind is running wild.

How am I supposed to teach Mattheo everything I've learned over the years. And You-know-who is his father. I mean, how crazy is that! I mean You-know-who is dead but what if he decides to be like him. God, I hope not.


I have been walking around the school courtyard for a while now. My friends, Fred and George Weasley notice my unusual behaviour and ask me about it. I brush them off, saying I was just thinking about something. As worried as they may be, they leave me alone wondering what had happened.

I try to cool down and look at the map of the school Dumbledore had given me. The map was confusing to say the least, but I figured it out. The map said that the Room of Requirement was on the seventh floor. I'd never been to the seventh floor, or might have gone there when I got lost during her first year. I put the map away, figuring I'd go there with the son of Voldemort.

Not wanting my homework to be pending, I hurried to my dorm and picked my homework up and went to the library. I sit down in the desolate corner of the library, very close to the Restricted Section. Once I had been caught trying to sneak in there during my last year. I wanted to try again, but I knew I couldn't risk it yet. The complaints went straight to the House Master, Professor McGonagall. Even imagining the Professor's angry face makes me shudder.


I had finally completed my homework when I notice someone staring at me. I frown and go to check. A rough hand pulls me to the corner near the restricted section, and the other covers my mouth. Shocked, I tried to force the hand away from my mouth, but his hand pins the two of my hands above my head. I'm  screwed. One of his hands was covering my mouth, the other was holding the two of my hands above my head.

I adjust my head so I can see the face of who pinned me here. A strong jawline, blue eyes- wait a second. Is this Marcus? My eyes widen at the realisation and I start struggling against his grip. Shit, I'm dead, for sure. He smiles and says, "Struggling is not going to help Katherine."

That smile was creepy as hell, it was not the smile I had fallen in love with, God no. Is this the end? Do I even deserve to die like this.

"So, how about you tell me what's going on with you and your friend, Mattheo, over in the hospital wing," he says, a murderous glint evident in his eyes. I nod my head down, motioning my eyes to his hand. He says, "Don't you dare try anything, Pearl," and then removes his hand from my mouth. I take in deep breaths before saying, "As if I would tell you."

His eyes widen and I take the opportunity to free my hands and punch his stomach. He had loosened his grip after hearing what I had said. He's pretty stupid. I immediately run off, picking my homework and going out the library.

I'm still breathing heavily, and I'd better not be alone next time I sit near some deserted place. He had caught me completely off guard. God, I need someone. Otherwise, I will surely spiral into an anxiety attack. I run down the halls, hoping to see someone I recognise. I stumble into someone having a plaster round his arm. I look at his face before falling on his chest.

"Uh- what happened Katherine? Are you alright?" Mattheo asked, clearly shocked by what was happening.

"Just, just give me a minute," I say.

He wraps his good arm round me, and pats my back with it, trying to comfort me. I stay in the comfort of his arm (get what I'm saying- arm not arms xD) for a while, feeling the warmth of his body.

I pull myself out of the warmth, thank him and try to walk off. He pulled me back by my shirt collar and said, "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on with you."


It was a pretty weird chapter but it came into my mind and felt like it would be a good chapter.

Well, let me know what you think.

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