5) The Slytherin Party

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I had been pulled out of bed by Angelina at 7 a.m. on a Saturday.

She said and I quote, "Never must we be late for breakfast." I was about to walk out in my night suit to the dorm, if Angelina hadn't told me that we were supposed to go to Hogsmede today. I hurried to my trunk and found my appropriate clothes to wear for shopping.

Angelina gave me a disappointed look, but I'm sure she must have known I was going to wear my hoodie and lowers to go to shopping. I usually dress up if we go to Hogsmede to go to Three Broomsticks, but I know these people. They make me stand for hours before finding a shirt and then they go to find another. So, strategically I'm wearing the best clothes for shopping.

We walk down to the common room and see most of the sixth years sitting on the armchairs. Ignoring them, we walk out of the common room and go to the Great Hall and have our breakfast. We find Piper and some of her friends waiting for us at their table.

Angelina greets them, "Hey guys, ready to shop?" And I had to reply at that statement. So I said, "Heck yeah!" And I raised my fist in the air. Everybody laughed at my behaviour and so we were ready and we went out to face our toughest challenge.


Susan was holding two dresses: one was a pretty magenta long flowy dress and the other was a short yellow dress. She had asked us which would look better. Piper answered, "I'd go with cute little yellow one."

We all nodded in agreement. That was the last dress to be chosen. We all paid for the dresses and went out.

"Ah, I hope the party is worth it," Piper said.

"Oh I'm sure it will be," said Laura, another friend of Piper, looking dreamily towards the sky. I practically ran towards the candy shop, Honeydukes after having been trapped in that dress shop for hours. The rest yelled and cursed at me, while running. I had already purchased the chocolate frogs and the chocolate wand when they entered. I sighed and said, "Ah, sweet chocolate."

They brought their own and we all walked out the store, everyone finally happy with this day out.


It was now 2 hours before curfew and we all were dressed and walking to the Slytherin common room. I had chosen the scarlet short dress that defined my curves. To top it off, I applied a bright red lipstick which totally screamed 'GRYFFINDOR'. Angelina looked like a Goddess in her lovely curve defining royal blue dress that reached her ankles. Her braided hair were in a bun with two strands pulled out.

George was walking beside Angelina and Fred was with Katie Bell. I was alone but not for long. Marcus is in Hufflepuff and he is a 7th year, so he would probably be coming.

Flint was standing in front of the door and he let us in not before he let out snide remark. The common room was green. Very green-ish. Yet, it did let the feeling of cosiness sink into you. It was already packed with a load of Slytherins and Ravenclaws. The Gryffindors reluctantly came in and started loosening up after seeing the party.

George and Angelina immediately went and started dancing with each other and I smirked. Fred did his job. Meanwhile, Fred and Katie were going to get the fire whiskey already. I was nervous. Nervous thinking whether Marcus would show or not.

Gosh, I needed something in my system. So I headed over to gulp down glasses of fire whiskey.

The fire whiskey did stay true to its name. I felt like I was gulping down fire through my throat. My insides felt like they were on fire. Yet I took another glass of it. And another. And another. And another till I lost count of how many I had. Finally when I had enough, I walked to Angelina and George. But they seemed to lost in each other's eyes, so I went ahead and danced. I danced a lot. Like a fucking lot.

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