8) Last Wednesday

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-Two weeks later-

I wake up by the sound of Angelina huffing and puffing around the dorm.

After struggling to fall back asleep, I get up from my bed and ask her what the hell was going on. As usual Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor's quidditch team, had told the team to be at the quidditch field at five a.m. I mean, who in their right mind would want to talk to their team members at the break of dawn?

Angelina begs me to go with her, so that Wood might cut the team some slack. I reluctantly agreed, knowing that I won't be falling back asleep for a while. We enter the common room, to find two sleepy twins and Harry Potter, standing next to them, also tired as hell.

One of the twins said, "What's up, Angelina? Brought Katherine with you?"

Angelina replies, "I'm good. Yup, I did bring her with me. Good morning Harry."

"Morning," the raven haired boy replied, looking very uninterested with life at the moment.

I look around and ask, "I don't see Wood here, where is he?"

"Already on the field, for sure," says one of the twins.

All of us start walking to the field when Katie Bell joins the group. We all walked in silence, and Katie Bell comes to me and asks, "What's been going on with Riddle, Katherine?"

That question caught me off guard, but I calm myself and answer, "I've just been giving him tutoring lessons, you know, cause he's just joined this year and all."

Fred looks my way and scoffs, George then says, "Why was he standing so close to you then?"

"W-what do you mean George?"

"You know exactly what he's talking about," Fred says, putting his hands in his pockets and walking in front of me.

"I do not know what the hell you are saying," I say, getting defensive, knowing they can't know what happened.

"How about the last Wednesday, you both were just inches apart and staring at each other as if y'all couldn't wait to ki-"

I cut Katie off and say, "Hey, hey that's not what happened."

"That's exactly what happened," Fred says.

Were these people freaking stalking me? God, they can't know. My cheeks heat up instantly when I recall that day, and anger courses through me.

—Last Wednesday—

The lectures had returned to being boring as usual, the Professors finally having stopped talking about OWLs and it's effect on our future. Just like Professor Dumbledore said, Mattheo had the same classes as me, even when we did not have the same classes with the Slytherins. The students first questioned, then got used to Mattheo being there with the Gryffindors in every lecture.

In every class, Mattheo was my partner. He, of course, performed terribly in every subject. The only subject in which he couldn't mess up was Care For the Magical Creatures. All the professors had informed me about what I need to teach him. Snape was extremely relieved because he did not want to teach Mattheo himself.

We had been meeting in the Room of Requirement to practice some spells, but still met each other in the library every day to cover up the theory. I was informed by Professor McGonagall that Mattheo would be tested on his knowledge on the first years syllabus. We had approximately till a week after Halloween. That was short notice but I was sure I'd be able to do it before the deadline to complete the syllabus.

I was then waiting for Mattheo in the library, to study the History of Hogwarts. I sat down on a chair and arranged the notes in an order. I looked towards the clock and noticed that Mattheo was late. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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