__More Headcannons__

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I love making these, let me know if you have any ideas!!


- Constance is a plant mom

- Jane absolutely destroys the dance floor(canon)

- Especially when Constance plays the recorder, Jane eats that shit up.

- Ocean loves cleaning and organizing, it's her relaxing time.

- Jane likes to help Ocean organized but is usually banished to the corner after misplacing a bunch of stuff.

- Ricky loves legos, he once made a transformer suit out of legos.

- Mischa likes to draw, he's not Picasso, but sometimes he draws Noel in class, Noel makes fun of them but secretly stores them all in a little binder.

- Jane has a hip birth defect and sometimes people are like "Jane your foot is fucking backwards." And she's like "oh, didn't notice :)"
(Emily Rohm actually has a hip birth defect and shows it off in the musical!!)

- Jane can't spell for shit, but I imagine her having beautiful handwriting.

- Mischa cannot physically breath when he sees kittens, his big tough man persona goes away real quick. "Oh Mischa I found a box of kittens on the side of the road! I'm gunna take them to the shel-" "ZERES KITTENZ?"

- Ocean plays guitar and sings in her free time, she's really good at it.

- I imagine Noel being really good at piano, Jane joins in sometimes.

- One time the group was going on a trip and in the car they kept hearing shuffles in the luggage, Jane had decided she wanted to bring Vergil along.

- Ocean will faint at the sight of a bug, she doesn't have the heart to kill them because Jane adores them.

- Constance is terrified of mice but one time there was one in her kitchen and she threw it cheese(she was huddled on the counter, frying pan in hand)she named it Sandy.

- Jane loves to paint, she improves by every painting.

- Constance is the mom of the group, especially protective over Jane

- Jane's foster parents suck, like, a lot.

- Constances parents had to teach Jane about a lot as they both grew up. The birds and the bees convo was not fun for either of them.

- Same with Ocean, her parents suck and Connies parents basically raised her.

- Mrs. Blackwood started hanging up Oceans good test scores on the fridge, Ocean cries every time she passes fridge.

- Constance doesn't mind sharing the space. She adores seeing Ocean get the love she deserves.

- When Jane joined the friend group, she didn't even know how to hug someone right. She's so touch starved.

- Jane is the most physically affectionate person ever.

- Noel writes poetry about everything. He writes poems for his friends(and bisexual little Ukrainian boyfriend ofc)

- Mischa cries when Noel writes him poetry, like he sobs.

- Ricky was drunk and called Ocean monkey love drop for the entire night.

- Jane steaks everyones sweaters, she has no shame, she'll walk out of someone's room with a handful of things IN FRONT of them.

- In turn, she sews everyone mittens for winter.

- Jane sews her own clothes, she is incredibly good at it.

- Vergil was adopted by the choir after Jane caught the janitor trying to exterminate him. Again, one of the few times they heard Jane curse.

- Constance buys Vergil hats. He has a hat wall.

- Mischas basement used to be super plain with only a few posters so the whole choir always adds little things, it's now over decorated(there is no such thing).

- Jane is incredibly ticklish, she WILL get violent during a tickle fight.

- Jane's laugh goes from majestic song to a dying eagle very fast and the whole choir finds this so funny.

- Ocean can't be graceful for the life of her, sis is so clumsy.

- Constance has a small business on Etsy where she makes jewelry! Constance always gets upset when her friends buy from her because she'd rather just make them there own.

- Noel has a crippling addiction to Doc Martens and caffeine.

- Ocean is banned from caffeine.

- One time when Noel was 14 he thought it'd be cool to break the stereotypes of gay men being overly feminine and lacking masculinity, he bought a toolbox. He never touched it again, too scared he'd chip a nail.

- Jane is fucking OBSESSED with RuPaul's dragrace and UHhhn(tv shows)(totally not self projecting here) Ocean says it's not appropriate.

- Noel loves shock humor, with his entire soul. Someone can be like "it's because I'm gay, isn't it?" And he'll be like "Damn right." It's really funny.

- Noel likes to sketch, that's all that's ever on his schoolwork.

- Constance is very good at math, she always helps her friends study instead of letting them cheat.


I'm going to do what video games they like next I think!!

- Laterzzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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