__Perfect Dolls/Jane Headcannons__

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I'm back 😎
Just a mix of perfect dolls and Jane headcannons because I am a huge Jane simp.


- If Jane ordered no pickles and got them anyway, Ocean would 100% overreact.
Waiter: Alright ma'am here's your burger.
Jane, under her breath: Aw there's pickles.. that's okay.

- Jane always gets her necklaces tangled so Ocean is always untangling them.

- Ocean helps Jane with her grammar and punctuation for school.
Ocean: "Okay write a sentence using a comma and a period okay?"
Jane very confidently showing her what she wrote, the paper said: I lobe my gerlfreind, Ocean, viry, viry muche. she, maykes me happie.
Ocean, trying not to cry: Close enough.

- Mishca once got Jane high and Ocean chewed him out for hours while Jane was just laying on the floor fucking baked.

- Sometimes Ocean will play romantic music on her record player and dance with Jane.

- Ocean has really shaky hands so Jane usually has to paint her nails, she loves it tho.

- When Ocean found out about Jane's self harm issues Ocean just hugged her for hours as Jane cried it out.

- Ocean always has to tell jane that it's too hot for a sweater.
Jane: But Ocean It's comfyyy
Ocean: Jane do you want to have another heatstroke??

- Ocean once walked in on Jane making voodoo dolls and just walked out.

- Ocean doesn't have the heart to tell Jane she can't live off of McNuggets so she will get a bunch of the McNuggets boxes and get slightly healthier chicken nuggets and put them in it.

- Jane is so physically affectionate she will just come up to you and slip into your shirt and lay there for comfort. She mostly does this to Ocean and Mishca, she'd do it to Noel more but he gets onto her for stretching out his shirt.

- After a fight(which they rarely have) Ocean is almost always the first to apologize, not because Jane is stubborn she just thinks Ocean hates her and thinks Ocean wants to be left alone.

- It's so hard to be mad at Jane for an extended period of time, she will just give u a hug as a way of apologizing, like what are you gunna do? Push her away??

- Jane's legs are always bruised because she's so clumsy.

- Ocean always buys Jane these big romantic bouquets while Jane will kiss a daisy and hand it to her.

- Jane constantly steals Mishcas shirts, especially his button ups, she finds those to be very comfortable.

- Jane has to get laughing gas every time she goes to the dentist, it doesn't matter if it's only a checkup.

- Ocean is almost always having to carry Jane back to the car or back home after a social outing, Jane gets very tired.

- Jane has trauma regarding the song happy birthday so Ocean came up with a new song, the choir now sings it to her on her birthday every year.


Once the art comes in I'll update the chapter!!

Short chapter because my brain won't brain.
I need oneshot ideas, or hc chapter ideas, like the choir at the beach or a sick fic yknow. Anyways, please give ideas I beg 🙏

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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