__Perfect Dolls Hcs__

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Ah. What a nice day to be a dyke.

Okay hi so sometimes I forget people can't read my mind but I fluctuate from college dorms, living with parents, or living together. I just choose whichever one works best with the hc.

- When Ocean first met Jane she shook her hand for a little too long.

- Jane was terrified of Ocean when she first met her, like, petrified.

- When one has a bad day, the other just kinda knows.

- Jane is the little spoon, but she'll also big soon in a little spoon way if that makes any sense. Like she'll nuzzle up against Oceans back and hold her hand.

- Ocean is the overly careful mother who overpacks for the beach but she will ALWAYS forget her sunscreen, but Jane always brings her some.
"Shit! I forgot my-"
"Sunscreen?" Jane just stood there with a giant grin holding the bottle.

- At prom Jane came out with her dress on and Ocean had to get her inhaler.

- Jane cannot BREATHE when Ocean gets all dressed up in formal wear, like she needs to leave the room.

- Oceans natural hair is wavy but she always straightens it, Jane adores her hair though.

- The Choir were out at a party and some buff dude cornered Ocean and threatened to hurt her if she didn't have sex with him, Jane was speeding towards this giant dude twice her size about to hit him but Noel swooped in and grabbed her before she could. Whilst Mishca was beating him up, Jane was telling him off like a Victorian child. One of the few times they've actually seen Jane angry.

- Jane is a bit of a book nerd, but the issue is that she struggles with reading sometimes, Ocean is very patient with her.

- Constance walked in on Jane and Ocean doin it and she just walked in her room and stared at her wall thinking. "I just witnessed what is basically my child and my best friend having sex. What. The. FUCK."

- When Jane is crying she just likes to cry it out and then talk about it the next day, so Ocean will just wrap her up in a hug while playing with her hair and whispers things like 'shh, it's alright now' and 'I love you so much Janey.'

- When Ocean is crying she just spews about what happened to the point of choking on her tears, Jane just grabs both sides of her face gently and rubs her cheeks as she crys, once she calms down a little then she'll hug Ocean tightly. (Ocean gets overwhelmed when getting hugged while crying super hard.)

- Jane drys out all the flowers Ocean has given her and sticks them in a binder she has, she'll label one 'anniversary' or 'valentines day flowers' or something.

- Jane is like a god at just dance, whilst Ocean is.. Ocean. The two will stay up all night trying to sync a dance, it's very amusing to watch.

- Ocean always go get Jane when Jane's foster father is acting up. She'll drop anything and everything it doesn't matter if it's mid performance.

- On one of their dates, they went to a pottery class, they made each other each a vase.

- They will put the flowers one of them gives the other in the vase.

- You know those games at chucky cheese where you get a bouncy ball? Jane has an obsession with them, like a collection. Ocean always gives hers to Jane.

- Ocean gives her prizes to Jane at the theme park.

- I feel like Jane would like origami, she 100% makes Ocean little doves or flowers.

- Mishca told Jane about 'rizz' knowing it would end poorly.
Jane later texted Ocean this:
Iem the rizzard of ozz🥴🥴😏😏😏😼

 Jane later texted Ocean this:Iem the rizzard of ozz🥴🥴😏😏😏😼

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- Ocean is simply Janes pillow. There is no fighting it.

- When Ocean is nervous Jane will put her head on Oceans shoulder and then kiss her cheek.

- Jane and Ocean will go to the park in the evening sometimes, Ocean will push Jane on the swing as they talk.

- Jane doesn't like politics, she also doesn't understand most of the topics, but she'll happily listen to Ocean rant about politics for hours. She just sits there nodding.

- Jane doesn't understand social cues, she doesn't understand sarcasm and stuff. Kids would take advantage of this all the time in middle school, Ocean would chew them out before getting them suspended.

- Ocean likes to oil paint, and she's good at it. She paints Jane almost every time though.

- When Jane and Ocean first bought a apartment they got in tiny arguments on the decor. Jane is more of a creepy coquette princess kinda girl and Ocean is modern business woman, so there decor clashes.
"But Oceaan, it looks cute on the mantle!"
"Jane. That. Is. A. ROCK."
(Jane won this argument.)

- They 100% take showers together.

- Jane has an obsession with waffles, she will eat them raw. This scares the shit out of Ocean.
"Babe.. whatcha eating..?"
"Waffles :)"
*she bites into a frozen waffle*

- After the two of them moved in together grocery shopping was a struggle, Ocean is just trying to get healthy food meanwhile Jane is just secretly putting Oreos in the cart.


TBOJD is so hard, mrs vocal teacher pls stop doing this to me, thanks🫡

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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