__A New Friend__

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    I hope you know when you guys compliment this book I cry. YOU ARE ALL SO SWEET MWAH
*gives golden star*


It was a warm summer day in down town Saskatchewan, Jane sat on the cold stones that were the stairs to the rundown Uranium city daycare, tossing pebbles along the lines of the sidewalk. The sun was bright and shining while the kids and the rest of the choir played in the sandbox. The pale blonde girl who acted as if she was allergic to sun, didn't have much interest in hanging out with the others. A few days prior, Ocean had begged the choir to volunteer for community service points to raise funds for the fall competition.

         However, Jane was scared of kids, she hates to admit it, but she is. Most kids love her which is odd, considering her ghostly look and shy nature. After roughly half an hour in the beaming sun Jane decided to tuck herself away under the leaves of a large pine tree, just outside of the daycare. The girl watched the clouds dance in the sky and sung to the birds songs, smiling softly at the sound of happy yelps and giggles coming faintly from the daycares playground, just as she heard a quiet hum and the crinkles of paper.

      The blonde girls expression turned into confusion as she stood up and walked along the trunk of the tree to see a young girl, no older than 10, reading a book. The child jumped slightly as she looked up at the older girl. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.." Jane spoke in her usual ghostly manner as she looked down at the young girl. "It's alright miss, just wasn't expecting to see anyone out here is all." The girl trailed off as she looked up into the sky, studying the blue with its pink hue. Jane didn't quite know what to do, does she stay? Does she walk away? God she was horrible with anything social, it was a child for goodness sake.

         "Feel free to sit if you'd like miss." The child spoke as she scooted over, making room for Jane. "Oh.. thank you." The blonde girl spared a small smile as she sat down in a criss cross position. The young girl closed her book and looked up at Jane, "What is your name, miss?" She asked politely. "Oh.. um. Jane. My name is Jane." The Blonde girl spoke as she picked at her fingers. "That is a beautiful name miss, like a princess. Princess Jane." The child giggled with admiration.

        Jane smiled along before she took a breath and spoke, "What is your name?" The small girl smiled, "Penelope, but you can call me Pens for short if you'd like!" Penelope smiled up at Jane. "That's a pretty name.. Penelope, I have a doll named Penelope." Jane shot a small smile before she asked, "What are you doing out here all alone?" The blonde girl asked as she picked at some of the daisies. "Oh.. the others kinda scare me.. I know it sounds silly but I don't know. They see me as different you know?" Penelope gave a sad smile as Jane did the same.

         "Why are you out here all alone miss?" Penelope retorted as she braided the ends of her brown hair, "The kids scare me too." Jane admitted with a sigh, "I know what you mean, don't worry. The kids I was around at your age saw me as different as well." Penelope tilted her head, "How so?" She asked. "They saw me as an outcast, an animal.. only because I was a little odd." The blonde girl furrowed her eyebrows for a quick second. "You just have to learn to tune it out.. even if it still gets to you sometimes. But one thing you can't let them take is your spark. That spark is what's going to help you get through life, it's essential and far to special to lose is what Father Marcus always said." Jane spoke quietly as she smiled down at the girl who was.. smiling back up at her?

       "You and are are quite similar it seems miss.. would you like to be my friend?" Penelope asked with a hopeful look in her blue eyes. "I'd be honored Penelope, and please, call me Jane! Miss makes me feel old.. I'm only 16." Jane giggled with happiness, as it was rare for someone to want to be friends with Jane. It was a great feeling. Jane looked to her side and saw a patch of daises, she began to pick them. "What are you doing, Jane?" Penelope asked, looking away from her book. "Making a flower crown.. do you want to make one?" Jane wondered. "Oh.. I don't know how.. could you teach me..?" The young girl asked with a small smile.

           The older girl nodded happily as she put two flowers into Penelope's hand and explained what to do. "Okay first you hold a flower straight.." Jane picked up some flowers for the example. "Then you take another and twist it around the back of the first ones stem, then you.." and she went on helping Penelope until she got the hang of it. The two friends sat under the big pine tree, happily flower crown-making away.

         After fifteen minutes or so the young girl spoke, "here Jane, I made this for you!" She smiled as she stood up to put a roughly made daisy chain on top of Jane's head. The blonde girl smiled as she clapped her hands softly, "you did it!! Aw thank you so much! Here, I made you one.." Jane spoke happily as she carefully set the crown on the child's head, Penelope squealed in excitement. "We look like forest princesses! Princess Penelope and Princess Jane." The child spun around before sitting back down, both girls letting out soft laughs.

        The friends remained under the tree, they talked about everything and anything. You here the common differences among little children and older kids, but Jane didn't mind, someone was kind to her and that is what matters. After a small while the sky began to turn into a series of oranges and reds, signaling the time to leave. They both then heard the gate open and the children come hustling out and greeting their parents, their voices still full of happiness as they told their parents about the day.

            Not soon after Ocean walked out of the building, waving some kids goodbye as she called her girlfriends name. "Janey? Jaaanee." The redhead called as she walked around, "oh. I guess it's time for me to go, see you next week?" Jane asked Penelope with a smile. "Next week!" The small child grinned as she stood up and dusted off her knees. As both girls stood up Penelope suddenly hugged Jane, the surprised blonde girl gasped before happily hugging back. The small girl heard her father calling for her and pulled away, running to him. "Bye Bye Jane!!" Penelope exclaimed as she grabbed her fathers hand and walked away, Jane gave a small wave and a smile in return.

         "Ah, so you got that one to talk?" An annoyed Ocean muttered behind Jane. The blonde girl turned around to see a very rough looking red head. Her hair was frizzy from getting pulled on, ketchup and peanut butter stains on her clothes, she looked all kinds of disoriented. "Oohoho what happened to you." Jane pressed her fingers against her lips to suppress a laugh. "It was a war zone I tell you, Jane. War. Zone." Ocean said dramatically causing Jane to giggle. The redhead grabbed Jane's hand with a tired smile and they begun to walk home, the topic of conversations for said walk was Ocean complaining about the kids. This  day wasn't as bad as Jane thought it was going to be, she couldn't be happier.


I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot!
Would it be a thing you'd wanna read if I incorporated Penelope more? Not heavily just an occasional one-shot.
Maybe a hc where Jane has always wanted a little sister and Penelope is kinda like that little sister, and Jane is like Penelope's Older sister. I think it would be cute no?

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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