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I have an addiction.


- Jane makes stuff out of clay, this makes her hands super soft.

- Jane repairs her dolls with clay if they break( she's never broken a doll, her bully's have though.)

- Constance makes Jane those handmade stickers.

- Yknow the intro to the Mickey Mouse clubhouse? The one that goes "Mishca Mooshka, Mickeyyy Mouse!" The whole choir makes fun of him by saying that in perfect harmony.

- Ricky is obsessed with the Lorax.

- Ricky can't watch the Lorax with Ocean because she will make him pause it to talk about how shitty the Oncler is.

- Jane's records are in absolute prime condition, she's never scratched one.

- Mishca collects lil Homies.

- Noel collects Bratz Dolls.

- Jane watched my little pony, Mishca joins her.

- Constance found Noel and Mishca sleeping together in each others arms and took 10000 pictures.

- Jane collects bones, this scares the shit out of Ocean and Constance, Mishca thinks it's cool, and it grosses Noel out.

- Noel jokingly taught Jane "Werk queen" And now she says it at the most inappropriate times. "Dude my uncle just died and I can't pay for his funeral." "Werrrrkkkkk queeeeen." "Jane."

- Noel is going to cosmetology school, he practices on the choir.

- Noel gave Jane these 2 inch long acrylics as a joke and offered to take them off, everyone watched in horror as Jane peeled them off.

- Noel also cuts everyone's hair, he's incredibly good at it.

- Noel also helps Constance dye her hair.

- Mishca loves donuts, like if you say your getting donuts he's already in the car.

- Ricky is the only person anyone in the choir has ever met that likes the cat musical.

- Constance makes quilts, she made everyone a quilt for Christmas one year and everyone cried.

- Jane loves to do her makeup, and everyone else's.

- Ocean absolutely adores Jane with no makeup.

- Constance, Ocean and Jane like to record pretend auditions for things in there free time.

- Jane was auditioning for Gypsy and started undressing, Constance and Ocean were just like "Jane..? Jane! JANE NO."

- Ocean is stupid smart when it comes to math, biology, and is an excellent writer, she would be lying if she said she hasn't written a few of Jane and Mischa's essays here and there.

- Ocean is satan himself when she's on her period. She cries and screams at everything.

- Jane's a biter. She will bite her friends on a daily.

- (got this one off Tumblr) Jane is a fucking GOD at Marco Polo, she scares all of her friends. Like she has a sixth sense or something, you'll think your safe, turn around and this little blonde gremlin is launching herself at you full force. Constance cried once.

- Ocean makes her bed every morning.

- Mishca HATES the dentist, his tough man persona flies out the window when the dentist is even mentioned.

- Jane doesn't mind the dentist too much, she takes pretty good care of her teeth and isn't prone to getting cavities.

- But, if you even utter the word doctor, Jane has already left the building, since she's not good at spelling the choir literally has to spell it out so she doesn't get freaked out. Jane would rather DIE than go to the doctor, you have to drag her into the room.

- It's not uncommon Jane bites the doctor or nurse.

- Ricky likes the dentist, it's always interested him.

- Ocean can't keep a plant alive for the life of her.

- Mishca took a pregnancy test as a joke once and got a little sad when it was negative.

- Noel is OBSESSED with the Kardashians, he just finds them so funny.

- Jane doesn't laugh a lot but when she does it's at the stupidest things.

- Ocean cares about the thread count when buying new sheets.

- Mishca really really wants a parrot, he can't explain it but he just really really wants a parrot.

- Noel loves Love Nikki.

- Constance has never been drunk, Mishca tried to get her to take shots with him once and he has never been shut down so fast.

- Mishcas basement is everyone's safe space, they leave there own stuff there and Mishca has just accepted that he has no privacy.

- Jane loves animals so much, especially snakes, sharks, insects, lions, and rats.

- Constance is a candle gal, along with Noel.

- Mishcas acoustic guitar has been sticker bombed by the Choir, he has accepted it at this point.

- Mishca skates, Noel calls him a loser jokingly but secretly thinks it's really hot.

- Ocean always needs someone to paint her nails, her hands are too shaky.

- Ricky is an atheist but always tells people that he's the chosen one of the zolarian star cluster. He finds it extremely funny.

- Jane LOVES wind chimes.

- Ocean 100% collects squishmallows

- Constance loves to wear her hair down it's just that it can get in the was so it's usually up in two buns.

- Mishca always gets Noel flowers and a box of chocolates after a fight.

- Ocean and Jans rarely ever fight, but one time they got into a huge fight and didn't speak for a week, one day Jane just opened her door to a soaking wet ginger who was panting from running in the rain, they just looked at each other for a few seconds before Jane tackled Ocean In a hug.

- Mishca is the token body guard of the group.

- Despite her name, Ocean hates the beach, she could bathe in sunscreen and will still come out looking like a freckled ginger tomato.

- Mishca can surf, he tried teaching Noel, Noel has made a promise to himself hes never going on a surfboard again.

- Jane likes to catch lizards, the choir is constantly having to tell her she can't keep them.

- Mishca is terribly allergic to cats, he still got Noel a kitten for his birthday though.

- One time Mishca sung Noel his favorite romantic song, Noel couldn't speak for 30 minutes.

- Despite cats being his favorite animal, Ricky absolutely loves ant eaters, he finds them very interesting.

- Jane is terrified of balloons, mostly a fear of them popping.

- Constance had to make everyone take down the balloons that everyone put in Jane's room for her birthday one year, she said Jane would have a heart attack.

- Noel HATES fast food, working at Taco Bell will do that to a person.

- Jane loves kissing her friends, like on the forehead, cheek, or hand. Ocean turns red every time.

- Ricky is terrifyingly good at monopoly, don't even try.


Hey! If you like what your reading could u maybe please(please) leave a vote on the chapters you read? It helps bring a lil more attention to a book and I need to fangirl with more people, thanks! <3

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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