A Little Seedling

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I found a little seedling
Sitting all alone,
He had neither friends
Nor a home.

I planted him
Gave him water and food,
Made him stable
And fixed his wound.

I talked to him
Everyday after school,
And even in the dusk
When the air was cool.

I fixed him up
Then cut him down,
Just so that I could
Build myself a house.

I lived happily in
My "humble abode,"
Trying to forget him
Out there all alone.

I was selfish and cruel
Only thinking about myself,
I was a complete fool
Should have put him in the top shelf.

Instead, I left him even more broken
Than when I first found him,
But he might have become stronger
No need to lean on anyone's shoulder.

He learnt a valuable lesson
To never depend on anyone,
Learnt to strive alone
Or else he would be gone.

He was once again a little seedling
Sitting all alone,
But he had now grown bold
Because he had been torn.

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