I found a little seedling
Sitting all alone,
He had neither friends
Nor a home.I planted him
Gave him water and food,
Made him stable
And fixed his wound.I talked to him
Everyday after school,
And even in the dusk
When the air was cool.I fixed him up
Then cut him down,
Just so that I could
Build myself a house.I lived happily in
My "humble abode,"
Trying to forget him
Out there all alone.I was selfish and cruel
Only thinking about myself,
I was a complete fool
Should have put him in the top shelf.Instead, I left him even more broken
Than when I first found him,
But he might have become stronger
No need to lean on anyone's shoulder.He learnt a valuable lesson
To never depend on anyone,
Learnt to strive alone
Or else he would be gone.He was once again a little seedling
Sitting all alone,
But he had now grown bold
Because he had been torn.
A Whole Another Mood
PoetrySome poems I write when I'm in a whole another Mood and confused and question my existence (among some other things).