Letter For You

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                    Park Jimin's Pov

"I just want to know you...know your thoughts...likes, dislikes...how you feel on the inside...because you...hm.."

I look up and watch the waves crash together gently. 

The ocean seems happy today.

The sky looks happy today.

People seem happy today...

I'm...happy today.

Because you made me feel happy today.

He walks over to me, and I instantly smile.

He takes a seat next to me. Joining me in the sand.


His wavy black hair flows in the wind beautifully.

His eyes are a slightly lighter shade of brown, since the sunset is shining right on his face.

And his straight white teeth are showing with how wide he's smiling.

"Stop," He suddenly says with a chuckle as he looks away.

I frown.

"W-What am I doing?"

I was only staring.

Was it perhaps, the way I was staring?

"Stop looking at me like that..."

"Like what?" I whisper.

He looks back into my eyes, and he seems as if he's trying not to smile so widely, "You look at me as if you're trying to find out every single thing about me, Jimin Park.."

My eyes widen slightly and my heart feels as if it's fallen out my chest.

Suddenly my face feels warm, too.

He's very right...

I want to know everything about him.

But am I really to blame...?

He chose to be, mesmerizing.

"I like...." I trail off a little, as I look down at my hands in the sand, that are placed very closely to his.

"Hm? What do you like?"

And I slowly look back into his eyes, "I like...the way you say my name."

He looks taken aback.

And I think, I could fall over any second now, as I watch his eyes travel from mine, to my nose, to my cheeks...to my lips...to my neck.

My God.

"I'll say your name more, then," He whispers.

And that very sentence replays in my mind, repeatedly.

I'll say your name more, then

             I'll say your name more, then

I'll say your name more, then

I open my mouth to speak, but someone approaching...suddenly makes me feel too insecure to even hear my own voice.

"Jungkook, there you are," She says as she holds a hand out.

Don't take it. Don't take her hand.

But he does.

And he slowly moves his head.

Don't look away. Don't look into her eyes.

But he does.

He faces away from me, and goes to stand up.

Don't stand. Don't stand and leave me. Don't leave.

But he does so, anyways.

He dusts himself off and smiles at her warmly.

And my heart starts to ache.

She's always around...why?

Does he like her that much?

Much more than me..?

Silly, me.

Delusional, me.

Of course he likes her more.

"Where are the others?" He asks.

She shrugs and dusts sand off his shirt, "Somewhere around here." Then she looks down at me, "Mind if I take Jungkook for a few minutes...?"

I feel myself grow angry, rather than sad.

Yes. Of course I fucking do.

"No, no not at all..."

You always get in the way.

"You two go have fun, hm?"

She smiles as she leans her head on his shoulder, and I feel my hands dig deeper in the sand.

Jungkook gives me a faint smile, and nods before walking away....

Taking her with him...

I slowly pull my eyes away, and face them towards the ocean.

Is it me?

Something about, me?

Perhaps there is something awfully wrong about me...?

Is it because I'm a boy?

I haven't ever fallen in love like this, before...

I haven't ever crushed on anyone before...

It's just him.

Just Jungkook.

Jungkook, Jungkook.

It's only you.

Suddenly, I grab my pen and start writing....

Suddenly...the words become easy.

Jungkook, Jungkook...

What will I do, with this letter for you?

What will you do....with this letter, for you?

Only You (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now