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Tragedy Strikes Hard and Runs

By Geraldine Harks

The Greater Toronto Area lies in shock after a terrible accident occurred in Scarborough leaving a young woman in a coma. The young woman, who has yet to be identified, was struck by a vehicle some time last night and was left to bleed in the middle of the road. A bus driver, who prefers to remain anonymous, saw her body and went out to help and immediately called 911. According to the driver, he "couldn't believe anyone could do such a horrible thing and leave the poor girl there to die." As EMS arrived on the scene, the young woman was barely breathing and already unconscious. They estimate she must have been lying there, slowly bleeding to death and in excruciating pain, for at least an hour before they arrived.

The young woman, thought to be in her early twenties, survived all operations and is still alive. It is unknown whether she will live, or if any permanent damage was done. Right now doctors are hopeful as she lives on and that she will wake to be able to tell her story.

Authorities ask that anyone who has information to come forward and help them in prosecuting whoever is responsible. As for we the public, we can only hope for her survival and pray that justice will be served.

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