4 | ❝Mr. Loverman❞ - Jaehyun

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✎ iv. mr. loverman

When Jaehyun found his soulmate, the first thing he would do is kiss her

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When Jaehyun found his soulmate, the first thing he would do is kiss her. He was determined to do this. It sounded like an impossible dream, though. The finding part, that is. He was confident in his kissing abilities as long as he had someone who he loved to kiss, but you seemed to be evading him. Or maybe he was just bad at looking for you.

He knew that you were his soulmate... whoever you were. Well, he knew a little about you. Your name was Y/n and you were the same age as him. He wanted to know more about you, but the time limit for soulmate conversations was 5 minutes a day, and he had only been talking to you for a week.

How did you manage to make him fall this in love with you in just a week? He had no idea. Maybe it was because he knew you were his soulmate, or maybe it was some special charm you had. He smiled whenever he thought about you and his heart beat so fast that he thought it would burst in his chest. He had always liked the daytime, but suddenly 9 pm was his favourite time of day. You would always say hi at exactly that time. Your conversations went something like this.

"Hello, Jaehyun, this is your soulmate checking in at 9 pm sharp."

"Hi." (Jaehyun would be smiling crazily at this point. So would you.)

"How did your day go?"

"It was alright... Am I weird for missing you even though I've never met you?"

"If you're weird for that then I'm weird too."

". . ."

"We'll meet soon, right?"

"I hope so."

"Well, we're regretfully running out of time, so... Goodnight, Jaehyun!"

"Goodnight, Y/n."

Jaehyun waited anxiously for 9 pm the next day. He kept wondering what you looked like all throughout the day. There wasn't any way to know, really. It's not like you could send pictures through your head. He needed to meet you in real life. He called you first that night, not being able to wait until the clock struck 9.

"Hi, Y/n."

"Hi, Jaehyun. You're a bit early."

God, did his heart flutter whenever he heard you say his name.

"Couldn't wait to talk to you."

He hoped you were smiling at what he said. He hoped he was able to make you as happy as you were able to make him.

"That's really cute."

He heard you giggle. He felt like he would die right then and there. How could your laugh be so beautiful?

"Y/n, do you want to meet me?"

Jaehyun felt like his nerves might make him explode as he waited for your answer.

"I'd love to meet you... Do you know that coffee shop called Serenade?"

"I know it. Are you free tomorrow?"

"If it means meeting you, I'm free any day of the week."

Now Jaehyun was sure you were smiling. He could hear it in your voice, the way it was bright and soft. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart and cool his hot cheeks.

"I'll be there at 1 pm, okay?"

"Right. 1 pm tomorrow."

⎯⎯ ୨୧ ⎯⎯

Jaehyun couldn't decide what to wear. Should he dress up? Dress down? What if he showed up in a tuxedo and you showed up in sweatpants and then everything was awkward? What if he put on a hoodie but you put on a fancy dress? He sank to the floor, back resting against his bed as he sighed. This was really really hard.

Cute but casual would be a safe option, right? Right.

Jaehyun stood up again and rummaged through his closet until he found his best pair of jeans and sweater. Ten minutes later, he was satisfied with his outfit. He stood in front of his mirror and attempted to fix his hair. Trying to style it would probably go horribly wrong given his lack of skill with hair, so he decided to keep it natural.

Jaehyun checked his phone for the time and his heart leapt. 12:40. He could finally leave without being God awfully early. He rushed outside and still managed to be ten minutes early to your meeting.

He remembered during one of the times he talked to you, you mentioned that you loved cold drinks. He scanned the menu and ordered one that popped out to him along with his own drink. Now he just needed to wait.

It was nice out and he didn't want to constantly stare at the door (that would only make him more anxious and impatient), so he decided to wait outside. No one was sitting outside so the outdoor seating was completely empty. It was perfect.

He knew it was you as soon as he saw you walking up, nervously looking around and fiddling with your bag. He knew his face was probably bright red, but he didn't care. He didn't have the willpower to look away from you because you looked angelic to him.

He stood up to make his presence more clear and it caught your attention. You grinned at him, and God, your smile was so beautiful Jaehyun practically forgot how to breathe.

"Jaehyun, fancy seeing you here." You giggled, stepping up so you were only a couple feet apart.

Jaehyun laughed, "I know, how convenient."

There was a pause where both your hearts were racing and you didn't know what to say. A feeling of ecstasy circled the air and it was all you could breathe in as you looked at him.

"I hope this doesn't sound weird, but uhm... I've had this thought for years that when I meet my soulmate the first thing I'd do is... kiss... her..." Jaehyun's voice got quieter as he confessed his thoughts, nerves tangling together in his stomach and his hands shaking a little.

"What are you waiting for, then?" You whispered, cheeks tinting a bit. You had thought about kissing him since before you had met him in person, but you had to admit that when you first saw his face, the thought of kissing him was 10 times more appealing than it already was.

"I don't know, I'm just kinda... nervous. You're a lot prettier than I thought you'd be and it's like... wow, you really are my soulmate-"

His nervous rambling was so cute to you that you couldn't help but rise up on your tiptoes and kiss him. His eyes widened and you felt him tense up, making you smile a little. He relaxed eventually once you gave him a little push of encouragement by guiding his hand to your waist.

You laughed when you pulled out, finding Jaehyun's shyness more charming than anything else. He hid his face in his hand, doubtlessly trying to conceal his bright red cheeks from you. But you wanted to see them, so you pulled his hands away, holding them in yours, carefully lacing your fingers together with his. You saw his cheeks turn even brighter at your action.

"Cute..." You mumbled.

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