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"Its still hard to believe we're actually going to see casimir's mom"
Naomi adjusts her overall straps,some people are still kinda out of it,there was a small thunderstorm yesterday but luckily that didn't delay us meeting natalie
"Yeah but something seems off"
"Nothing is off,my mom is an honest person"
Casimir continued after me
"Well,you four will be safe right?"
Zuri turned to me,I nod,grabbing zuri's hand
"Yeah,we will,I promise the moment something is wrong we'll be back here"
I responded,zuri sighs as she pulls me close and kisses me on the forehead
"Well,you're never wrong"
She takes a breath,its nice to know her concern
"Hey serena"
I turned to see amy at the door wearing a simple forest green button up with lighter lines of green with her glasses on,along with her gold locket and she had her hair tied down,I noticed some scars from the taser that were almost visible,holding what looks like a folded jacket,I've still been meaning to question about the glasses
"Amy,hey,actually I was gonna ask about something"
Amy looked confused
"What is it"
"You wear glasses?,I didn't get to ask yesterday"
Her face grew into realization
"Oh yeah,I lost my contacts a while ago,so I need to wait until I get a new pair"
"You needed glasses the whole time I knew you!,you never told me"
I exclaimed
"well,I didn't think about it back then"
"Who knew!?"
I slightly shake amy by the shoulders
"Well,formerly,miriam and duncan,as of now?,just elijah,kristin,maggie,athena,russell and I just told finn about it"
I let go of amy
"I feel left out and betrayed by my own former junior and team coordinator"
I grew a slightly betrayed look on my face,she walked over to casimir
"Hey bud"
"Amy!,you and the others are finally gonna meet my mom!"
Casimir smiled,amy's small smile grew into a slight frown
She hands a jacket to him,when casimir unfolds it,I recognized it as her old jacket from white peaks
"Just something from me"
Casimir smiles
"Thank you but...why are you sad?"
Casimir grew confused
"Well,this might be the last time we see each other"
He asked while his face sadden,amy pulls casimir in for a hug
"well,I made a deal that I'd help the agency but hey,maybe after I hold up and when we talk to your mom,maybe I can visit or you guys can visit in pacific bay"
Casimir returned the hug
"I don't want you to leave though..."
Casimir began to tear up"
I know..."
I went towards them
"We should probably get going.."
Amy and casimir nod



"Well,here we are...dawn dawn"
I responded as we examined the area,there was a small pond under a bridge with led to the other side,there were rose bushes and others of all sorts,I looked at the bridge
"Shes not here"
"Maybe shes on the other side"
I responded to naomi's response,we began to walk towards the bridge
"serena,I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this"
Amy spoke up as we continued onto the bridge
"Well,she was waiting here a bit,shes maybe sleep-"
I noticed some dirt on the ground,it looked like it was kicked around,this wasn't a good sign,amy was right,something was off,I continued forward till we got to a corner,another part of the garden,we peaked over and my grews grew wide,there was a body bleeding out in a small little pond,the woman had brown hair almost similar to casimir's and almost looked like him,she had a simple red cardigan on with stars and freckles on her face,this can't be natalie,casimir peaked behind amy and naomi almost scared
Casimir walked over to what apparently used to be natalie's body,he kneeled down and shook her bit
"'re just sleeping...right?"
Casimir asked as his voice went quiet,I froze,not knowing what to do in this situation
"You don't need to sleep now!....I'm here..."
Amy walked over and kneeled by casimir
"Shes not moving and theres not a pulse...shes.."
"Don't say it!...please don't,she can't be dead,shes just sleeping!,shes....shes..."
Casimir froze as tears began to grow in his eyes
"She can't....."
Casimir's voice went quiet,as tears kept streaming,amy hugs casimir from behind,casimir turns and returns as he finally broke
"I'm so sorry cas....."
"How could she....."
Casimir muttered as he was still crying
"Oh bud...."
Amy comforts casimir,rubbing circles on his back
"We'll figure it out,but we should leave naomi and serena to that,why not come back to the agency and rest for a bit"
Casimir looked up and turned to us
"Can you....keep me updated if you find anything?"
Casimir asked,his voice was quiet due to all the hurts seeing a kid like this,it was one thing when it came to henry but his own one should have to see that,I look back at him
"Of course,until otherwise just stay with amy,she'll keep you safe"
Casimir nods,along with amy,she turned to naomi
"Naomi,do you think you'll be ok with serena on this one?"
Naomi looked up to amy
"Yeah,you can count on me amy,I promise we'll figure this out"
Amy sighs as she walked over to naomi,ruffling her hair
"Just be safe,both of you"
"We will"
I responded,amy and casimir left the garden,I turned to naomi who already was trying to examine bushes,I walked over towards where she was searching
"Hey take it easy,we might damage the bushes,let me handle this"
I examine through the bushes until I found an id but the photo and name is faded,I moved away from the bush,naomi followed me from behind as I grabbed my dusting kit,I noticed naomi looking around at the crime scene
"Do you think we should call finn?"
"Well,maybe we can get some pictures of the crime scene to him,hes good at identifying"
Naomi nods,she grabs a small camera from her bag and starts taking photos,I recovered the ID,it was one george vivian,george vivian,hmm,hes 54,maybe I should call judith,I grab my phone and ring up judith,it rang for only 5 seconds till I heard a click
"serena,I'm glad you picked up,Casimir and amy just came back, did something happen?"
"Natalie is dead,I need you to look up a george vivian"
"Wait,casimir's mom?,and I'm on it but,shes dead?,is that why amy and him are back already"
"This is awful,kid shouldn't have had to seen her dead body,do you want me to get the morgue ready to get the body"
"Yeah,that would help,and tell finn he might be getting some photos on the crime scene"
"You got it,and also,says here George Vivian is a gardener,maybe he saw something?"
"Got it,thanks jude"
"No problem,I'll ring up finn and the morgue for you"
After that,judith hung up,I put my phone away,and noticed something in the dirt clumps,I examined and found a voodoo doll in the dirt that looked like the victim,I went back towards naomi who finished grabbing photos,she turned back to me and noticed the voodoo doll
"Huh,where did you find that?"
"In a clump of dirt"
Naomi looked closer at the doll
"It looks-"
"Like Natalie,I was gonna drop this off to Devon,did you get the pictures?"
Naomi nods saying yes
"Let's drop all this off back at the agency and find george"

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