six - teach me

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"What... are you doing at my door." Jungwon had always intimidated him. He was super sweet but he could be really off-putting if he tried to be.

Jake pensively cleared his throat, trying to come up with something without sounding too desperate. "I want to learn sign language for Sunghoon."

Well, that not sounding desperate plan didn't work.

Jungwon's eyes widened before quickly squinting at him. "Why?" Now that was a question Jake did not thoroughly prepare for.

"I want to be able to talk with him in a language that he is comfortable in." Jake was proud, he felt like that was a good answer. But the way Jungwon raked his eyes over his figure with his lips pursed made him rethink it.

He was about to explain more before Jungwoom moved to the side, opening the door wider. "Come in." Jake mentally patted himself on his back as he successfully impressed Jungwon.

Jake followed Jungwon to the couch right in the living room. His dorm had the same layout as his, but it was crazy how different it looked. Jungwon and his roommate's dorm looked like an Ikea showroom.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," Jungwon sat down on a chair across from the couch where Jake sat. "I need a longer answer for your reason for doing this. This will be a lot of work for both of us and I want to make sure you're actually going to stay committed."

Jake stayed silent for a second, trying to gather his thoughts. "Well, I..." He honestly didn't know what to say. Jake wasn't very good at expressing his ideas.

Subjects like English were always so hard for him as he couldn't articulate his thoughts properly. Maybe that's why he loved math and science in school, it was something that had a constant answer, no explanation needed.

"I've known him for a while and really like talking to him. We can converse fine now, but I want to really talk to him, you know what I mean?" Jungwon stayed silent, letting Jake continue. "I want him to feel more comfortable with me. He's used to adjusting to other people so I want to adjust to him."

Jake smiled to himself while thinking about Sunghoon. He had thought about doing this almost as soon as they had their conversation on Sunghoons bed. He wanted to make Sunghoon feel loved and appreciated and he thought the best first step would be to learn something important to him.

He took one look at Jungwon and his face fell. "Sorry that was super confusing and I-"

"No, it was perfect actually." Jake raised his head, surprised. "Really? You didn't look impressed at all and I thought I was about to get kicked out."

Jungwon looked at him before he broke out into a laugh, the intimidating aura around him breaking instantly. Jake looked at him like he was crazy, completely lost as to what was happening.

"Oh my god I was messing with you!" Jake's jaw dropped. "I can't believe you were actually kinda scared. Jay was right when he said you were whipped for Sunghoon." Jake splutters as his face quickly becomes red. "W-what I don't know what you're talking about."

Jungwon crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Don't act all stupid, we can all see it." Jake chose to ignore that comment with a red face.

Jungwon shook his head at Jake before getting himself more comfortable on the couch, leaning a bit forward towards Jake "Listen, this is what we're gonna do. You can come over a couple times a week for a couple hours and I'll teach you what I know."

Jake nodded. "That will work. How long do you think it'll take?"

Jungwon clicked his tongue, thinking for a second. "Well... becoming completely fluent will take a long time." Jake visibly deflated. "But, being able to have decent conversations shouldn't take as long, as long as you practice."

Jake's frown lessened but was still apparent. "However, you're smart and you already know two languages, you should be able to learn a third."

He smiled at the compliments which did raise his spirits a bit. "That's kinda reassuring."

Jungwon nodded. "Also, whenever I'm talking with you I'll automatically sign to give you more practice."

He waved his hands in front of him, shaking his head. "Wait no, you can't do it around the others if Sunghoon is around, I want to keep this a secret."


"I want to surprise him with it, but I need to kinda know what I'm doing first."

Jungwon playfully rolled his eyes, getting up to get the workbook he had stashed at the back of his room, right after muttering "Good lord he is gone."

signing // jakehoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now