I stepped outside of his chase's car . the air smelled sweet and fresh.
"Let's go inside" he said firmly, I could tell that he was still mad about something. I stood there frozen , not wanting to enter . "I said ", he spat through his gritted teeth anger rising inside of him, "get in the house , NOW" he yelled . I couldn't move . please work legs please. he grabbed me by the back of my hair and dragged me inside . "Stop" I cried , "please"
"Shut the fuck up" he whispered bringing my face too his . then he smiled and pressed his dry lips against mine. I felt like I was gonna barf. "What's wrong with you?" Chase asked. I didn't answer. "ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION!" He yells , I feel his fist hit me hard right on my cheek bone and then again on my left eye. "I-I'm" I manage but then all goes black.


When I wake up I'm in Chase's car. I dare not move for fear that he might see I was awake . after about 4 minutes the car stops and a feel a cold hand on my shoulder attempting to wake me up.
"Hmmmm...." I breath as if I was waking up .
"Get up I brought you home shitface" he hisses . I sit up get out of the car and I speed walked to the front door of the apartment complex. He runs after me. "babe" he says locking me in his arms . I feel sick. "yeah" I answer avoiding his eyes. "look at me now" he commands. I look up and he presses a kiss to my lips , lets go of me, and leaves . I unlocked the door and ran in the complex and ran all the way up to my apartment .
"Where have yo-" Julia starts . but u run to the bathroom and violently vomit into the toilet . when I'm done I get in the shower . I hear a knock at the bathroom door. "who is it?" I ask loudly over the water and steem. "It's Me" Julia says, "are you okay ? " I think for a moment . "y-yeah I'm okay" I finally respond, " I promise" I'm so not okay .

Sorry this chapters a little short :(
I did however put a little something in there for you MCR fans (; anyways thanks for almost 40 reads !! Have a great day/night!!
Xoxoxo xoxoxo

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