The next few weeks where kind of a blur. Carly was mad at me because I told her I broke up with Chase two months ago and as it turns out they where trying to set me up with Max . Julia still has no clue about what's going on and I intend to keep it that way , i don't need anymore people mad or disappointed in me . to help make Carly not mad at me anymore I have decided to her her the "e" string she wanted and some picks , I know it's not much but hopefully it will spark a conversation because she has also been ignoring me.

The out side of the music store wasn't much to look at it was just a big red brick building with a big sign shaped like an electric guitar that had "Buck's Music Store " , there was one thing that was pretty cool there was a mural painted on one side of the building that was pretty amazing ,swirls of color danced across the wall and flow around each other.
When I pushed the door open and a little jingle of a bell. the inside of the store had yellow tile floors and instruments everywhere. in the middle of the store there was a big circular counter with three cash registers all spread out evenly.
"Hey haven't seen you in here in a while " I hear the woman behind the counter say .
"Cathy ! How are you" I say asi run up to the counter . Cathy was my piano teacher from the time I was in 1st grade to senior year of high school. She hasn't changed at all. her blonde hair still bouncy and heathy , her grey eyes still bright , and her skin still without a single wrinkle . "I'm good , what can I do for you today?" She asks smiling at me . "I can I get an "e" string for an electric and a few picks ?" I ask smiling back . It almost felt painful to smile. When she turns her back I feel for the rubber bands around my wrists, pull one back and snap it over the inside of my wrist . I close my eyes and take in a sharp breath as I focus on the sting. It wasn't her fault ,sometimes I just , I just , I dont know. when I open my eyes I hear a small jingle and I glance over my shoulder to see who entered . the first thing I saw was the red hair .
"Hey little firework"I hear Patrick say . at this point I'm turned all the way around . It was Cole and Patrick . Cole gave me a dirty look . god what did I even do to piss this guy off ?
"Hey guys" I say as I wave at them , "where's Ryan and Max?"
"Well uhh Ryan's at home and Max is umm well he" Patrick starts ,rubbing the back of his neck .
"Max quit" Cole says through gritted teeth, "why do you give a shit anyways ?"
"Sorry I was just wondering" respond turning back around just as Cathy returned with the paper envelope the string was coiled up in and a bucket of guitar picks.
"The string is 0.75 cents and picks are free" she states glancing over at the boys , "and uh can I help you boys find anything?" I put the money on the counter , slipped the string and three picks in my pocket and turned to leave the store. then I felt someone grab my wrist .
Sorry for taking so long !! Thanks for all the reads and please vote and comment . I'm also sorry this one is a little short . I really hope you like the story so far !!

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