Your Quite the Same, If Loves the Game

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Kol Mikaelson loved only two things in this world: Chaos and his twin. Not in that order. Their bond had been unnatural from a young age. Even as newborns they hated to be separated. Kol knew he could be a little overbearing at times, but Kara never held it against him. 

At seven years old he had never been apart from Kara for more than two hours when they were three years old. It was the worst day of his life.

One hot summer's day as they sat with their siblings on the river bank, the others were talking about the twin's bond. 

"It's bizarre. Once when we were playing hide and seek Kol grabbed his knee before running to find Kara. She had fallen and scraped her knee somewhere in the woods... It's weird." Nik said as he mindlessly picked at the grass.

"They always get sick at the same time too," Rebekah added. 

"It's strange that they spend every moment of every day together and they have never fought," Finn said, making the others pause as they thought about it. 

"That can't be true... We've all fought, it's part of being siblings." Elijah said trying to think up an example to disprove Finn's statement. 

"Think about it all you want, you will never find an example of the twins fighting.

"Yes, we have... We must have." The twins said in perfect unison as they made identical thinking faces. 

They all sat in silence for a moment, scouring their brains for a single moment the twins weren't completely synchronized, only to come up empty-handed. 

"Dear gods, they've never fought. How is that possible?" Nik asked bewildered. 

The twins looked at each other, "We must have."

"Can't have gone this long without a single argument." Kol nodded in agreement. 

"What about that fight we had when we were four? Kol said he wanted to marry me and I said he couldn't!" Kara smiled, thinking she had disproven them. 

"No, Kol was upset thinking someone was coming to take you away and you comforted him  while calmly explaining, that's not a fight." Finn shot back. 

Rebekah stood tearing the cloth in her hand clean down the middle. The siblings watched in curious fascination as she approached the twins, tying the cloth across their eyes like a blindfold. "I want to try something... I'm gonna pinch Kara, Kol you tell us where I pinched her." 

They all sat up watching as Rebekah pinched the back of Kara's right hand, "Ouch! Bekah that hurt!"

Immediately, Kol grimaced and held the back of his right hand, "I don't like this game!" 

Rebekah did it again, pinching Kara's left thigh, just above the knee. 

"OUCH!" Both twins groaned, grabbing the spot Bekah pinched. 

"This is not fun!" They called out in perfect unison, leaving their siblings bewildered once more. All of them knew they had some strange twin bond, but none were aware of the true supernatural extent. 

"Maybe we should talk to Mother, it might be magic," Nik suggested, untying the cloth from Kara's face as she continued to rub her thigh. 

"That might be wise. This could be their first display of magic and we didn't recognize it." Elijah helped Kol take off his blindfold, who was annoyed at the pain in his hand and thigh. 

They all made their way back to the hut, their father sat outside sharpening his axe. Esther was flitting about the kitchen preparing dinner when she noticed her children approaching her. 

"What can I do for you all, my sweets?" Esther asked the mask of the kind loving mother firmly in place. 

"We think the twins might be exhibiting magic," Finn said before going on to explain what they had noticed about the twin's bond and the little test they did. 

Esther's eyes immediately light up with the prospect of having more magical children. Freya had been the only child of hers to exhibit signs of magic so for the twins to possibly inherit her abilities she was ecstatic. She had been rather lax with the twins, they were always so independent they never needed her so she didn't bother with them. But if they were witches like her, they had use to her after all. 

Esther pulled out two unlit candles, placing them in front if the twins, "I want you to feel the magic around you. I know you can... I want you both to light the candles with only your mind."

The twins glanced at each other before turning their attention back to their individual candles. Mikael had come inside, having heard the conversation, to see if his children had indeed inherited his wife's power. 

For a moment, nothing happened but then the twins closed their eyes and in unison, their candles lit. Mikael smiled lifting Kara into his arms as he praised her for her newly discovered gift. Esther fawned over Kol, praising him for lighting his candle as well. 

"They will learn to control it. They will study with Ayana. The gods have blessed us truly." Mikael announced before Esther could cut in. She knew Ayana was powerful and knowledgable but she wanted her children to remain with her. She wanted to be the one to teach them all she knew. That night they argued for hours before Mikael finally lost his temper and silenced all protest. 

The next day Kol and Kara were brought for their first lesson with Ayana Bennett. 

As the years passed, it was clear that the twins were complete protégés at all things magic. Their magical connection to nature and each other was stronger than the Bennett witch had ever seen. They learned quickly and had an easy time remembering the spells. Kol was very powerful at casting spells, but Kara was wildly clever at understanding spell theory that eventually she began creating spells of her own. They were the perfect team, they even started a grimoire together. 

Ordinarily, it was unheard of for people to have a joint personal grimoire, but the twins made it work seamlessly.  Magic only added to their mischief as nature was always on their side. Their pranks grew more elaborate, much to their siblings' dismay. 

Time passed and they grew older, but Kara could feel the plot approaching. She created as many spells as she could for the future, knowing that soon her connection to magic would be gone forever. 

She feared the day, that part of herself would be gone forever, she had grown very attached to that connection. But she knew her days as a human were numbered, she knew that little Henrik wouldn't be around much longer. 

She knew that forever was about to begin.

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