Blessed be the Bastards

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Niklaus shook as he stared down at his mother's body. He had just ripped her heart from her chest. He could still feel the heat of her blood on his hands as he watched the blood flow from her still form. His sharp ears twitched as someone walked into the room. His back faced them but he knew who it was based on her silent reaction to the scene before her. 

He turned to meet the eyes of his baby sister, Kara. She observed him for a moment, glancing at their mother's still form. She had that ever-present knowing look on her face. 

He collapsed onto the floor, tears rolling down his face as he stared blankly at his mother's body. Kara moved to sit beside him, taking his shaking bloodied hand in hers. 

"Did you know?... You were a seer. Did you know that Mikael was not my father?" Nik asked, not daring to look at his sister, fearing that she would see him as the monster he knew he was. 


That was not the answer he had anticipated. His head snapped to hers, "Why?... Why didn't you tell me."

"...It didn't matter."


"Nik... It didn't matter. You are my brother... My blood... I see you no different than I see Finn or Elijah. Bastard or not, you are my brother. So no... It didn't matter who your father was. You were mine, that is all I cared about... Are you angry that I knew?" She met his gaze. 

"... I find it hard to be angry with you, little sister."

"... I'm glad... I'm told I can be quite vexing, big brother."

"Who told you that?"

"Lots of people."

Nik smiled slightly before his eyes focused once more on their mother's corpse. "Are you going to tell them what I did?"

There was a moment of stillness where she didn't speak, "I have to tell Kol, we don't lie to each other... but the others will be devastated to learn that in his rage towards her infidelity, Father killed Mother."

For the second time that night, Nik's head snapped to hers in bewilderment. She gave him a light smile as she helped him stand, "We both saw it, Nik... We watched Mikael kill Esther. Don't you remember?" 

He nodded his head following her out the door, to tell their sibling their story. 

Finn was off preparing for their leave. Elijah, Rebekah, and Niklaus stood over their mother's grave making their vow of Always and forever. 

Meanwhile, Kara had taken Kol aside and told him what really happened. 

"Why lie to them? Why protect Niklaus? I know we never really liked Esther but she was still our mother. You are the bastion of all things just, I don't understand." Kol whispered, ensuring that none of their siblings overheard their conversation. 

"Esther killed a part of all three of us. Nik feels the void same as we do. He is our brother, bastard or not. Is it not just that we seek retribution for him and for us? I feel your fear that I will abandon you for him... You and I will always have each other. Look at them Kol, do not tell me you do not see the divide in our family."

Kol looked up, seeing Elijah, Rebekah, and Niklaus taking each other's hands. Separating themselves. It was so obvious, the gap between the twins and them. 

Kara grabbed his hand, pulling his focus back, "We are of one blood, one history, one soul...They can keep their 'Always and Forever'... We have been together since the womb and I intend to remain at your side until forever ends."

He met her eyes, feeling the fear and loneliness fade as it always did in her presence. He held her hand smiling slightly. Kara never lied to him, never left his side, never abandoned him like the others, she listened to his pain and shared his agony.

So he took her hand in his and smiled, "Until forever ends, Kara."

"Until forever ends, Kol."

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