Goodbye Katerina

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Katerina thought she had tasted the bitter tang of true fear before. She thought she had felt true fear when she missed her period and found out she was pregnant. She thought she had felt true fear as her father raged about her whorish choices. She thought she felt true fear when unimaginable pain coursed through her body and she pushed her daughter into the world. She thought she knew true fear when she was banished from Bulgaria all by herself and forced to flee. 

But as the silvery full moon rose into the sky, Katerina Petrova learned what true fear was. 

In her pocket rested the Moonstone. She could hear the arguing between Trevor and Rose outside the door. The metallic taste of vampire blood still coated her tongue as she stepped onto the chair and fastened the noose around her neck. 


Vampires were real and they were going to sacrifice her. If she was going to die tonight it would be by her own terms, not that of a damned hellish beast. She had truly liked Elijah and Niklaus. She thought she was becoming friends with beloved Kara. 

Kara was another problem entirely. 

Kara Mikaelson knew what was coming. Warned her even. The words of the Original Seer echoed through her mind as she felt the rope rub uncomfortably against her soft flesh. 

"... I have a gift. I am able to see things others can't. I know things I shouldn't. Past and future are clear to me as the present... I know your story, Katerina. I know what has been and what is to come... You do not deserve the path the fates have chosen for you. But your past and future will transform you into something necessary."

"What is that, my lady?"

"A Survivor... The great Katerina Petrova will stare down eternity and smile knowing she survived. There is much pain and heartbreak in your future, but you will survive every trial... I hope you learn to stop running at some point though... You deserve to truly live..." 

A survivor. 

That's what Kara had called her, and damn it if she wouldn't make it so. She would transform into something necessary... a survivor... a vampire. 

So the great Katerina Petrova stared down eternity and smiled, kicking the chair out beneath her own feet. And as she felt her human life being left behind, Katerina Petrova transformed into something necessary. 

She died as Katerina Petrova but awoke as Katherine Peirce. 

Her panicked steps banged like the marching of an execution drum in her ears as she ran through the forest. 

Katerina's new vampire senses were screaming at her as she raced through the trees. Under the light of the silvery moon, Katerina stopped in her tracks. 

There stood a figure, her green dress flowing in the wind, her dark curls braided into a simple style. Her kind, mischievous eyes found hers. 

"Hello, Katherine." She smiled, that eery smile that let everyone know she held the secrets of time on her tongue. 

"Kara." Her voice shook as she glanced around, praying that Klaus wouldn't walk out of the woods behind her. 

"...Survive Katherine... It's what you do best." With that, she turned and slowly began her casual stroll back toward the castle. 

"...WHY?! Why did you warn me? Why aren't you turning me in, to your brother?" Katherina was desperate for answers. They weren't close, but Kara spared her and she had to know what that meant. 

"When I come to you again... and make no mistake I will... I will ask you for that stone in your pocket. On that day you will give it to me. That is the price of your life. Are you willing to pay it, little survivor?" Kara asked. 

"...That's it? You let me go as long as I give you the stone when you ask for it? Why not just take it now?" Katerina asked.

She didn't answer, only raising a single arched eyebrow in question. 

"...Deal." And with that, Katherina disappeared into the night once more. 

The moment Kara entered the palace, a hand was around her neck pushing her into the wall. "You knew! How dare you betray me so-!"

Before Niklaus could finish his sentence Kol had descended on him, throwing him off of Kara. The moment Kara's feet were back on the ground, she collapsed into Kol's arms, gasping for breath. 

"Don't you dare, Niklaus!" Kol growled, his Vampire face on full display as he pulled Kara closer to his chest. 

"Niklaus if Kara knew and allowed her to escape, there must be a good reason," Elijah added, coming into the room to calm his brother. 

"What reason? What could possibly justify this betrayal? She has doomed me!" Nik spat, pushing Elijah off of him. 

"Kara's prophecy stated 'Old faces are made new. History repeats itself once more but not for the last time. Hope will not be lost but victory will not yet be won. Beware the ire of the wronged. 500 years of the chase and run.' Hope is not lost Niklaus!" Elijah stated trying to knock sense into Nik. 

It was for that exact reason that Kara did not interfere. If Niklaus broke the curse now... there would be no Hope.

Hope Mikaelson would not have been born if they are not in Mystic Falls to break the curse. If Niklaus never meets Hailey Marshall, then there would be no Hope. The story would change too drastically. 

"This was so necessary Niklaus... One day I will tell you why. It will not be soon. But I have only ever wanted what was best for you. I love you, brother. I have never betrayed you. I need you to trust me more than you ever have before. Chase her. Hunt her if you wish, I hold no care for Katerina Petrova. But this was necessary for you." 

There was a moment of stilled silence. 

Klaus grappled with himself softening as he looked into his sister's desperate eyes, "Swear to me, this was best." 

"I swear it."

There was another moment of silence. 

"I trust you... please do not make me regret it." 

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