War of the Middle Children

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"KARA! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Niklaus roared as he stomped his way into the living room of their New Orleans estate. 

Unfortunately for poor Nik, Kol had left to run an errand that morning and Kara was bored and lacking attention. It was never pleasant when a twin grew bored. 

"Kara! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Kara repeated in a poor impression of Nik, stomping in unison with him into the room. 



"Kara there are about a thousand ways I could demonstrate just how furious I am, unfortunately, you are my sister and 999 of those ways involve dismemberment of some kind!" He only grew more angry as Kara recited his vague threat once more. 

She knew he would never hurt her, which made it all the more fun to harass. 

"What's going on here?" Kol asked, finally returning from his visit to the witches. 

"Come get your parasite!" Niklaus roared at Kol. 

"Come get your parasite!" Kara copied, the mischievous twinkle in her eye giving away what was happening immediately.

"Come get your parasite!" Kol joined in as well with his own impression of Niklaus. 

"NO! No, don't you fucking start!" Klaus pointed at Kol, only to get to fingers in his own face as well. "No! No, don't you fucking start!" The twins repeated in perfect unison. 

They never looked more identical than when they were pissing someone off. 

"ELIJAH!" Nik growled, stomping up the stairs. 

"ELIJAH!" The twins roared with exaggerated rage, following their brother up to Elijah's room. Finn and Freya peeked their heads into the hallway to see what was going on, only to smile amused when they realized what was happening. 

"They won't stop! Make them stop before I RIP OUT THEIR TOUNGUES!!!" 

The twins once more copied Nik, giving a cartoonish angry pout that was actually strangely reminiscent of their half-brother. 

"Now twins, we are centuries old, don't you think it is a bit childish to copy Niklaus? And Niklaus they are just trying to get under your skin." Elijah said calmly. 

Kara and Kol glanced at each other their voices dropping to a low calm drawl as they spoke, "Now twins, we are centuries old, don't you think it is a bit childish to copy Niklaus? And Niklaus they are just trying to get under your skin."

All the anger left Niklaus as he saw Elijah's eye twitch in mild annoyance. 

A vicious smirk drew across his face as he went to join the twin's side. 

"Don't Start." Elijah tried to keep composed. 

"Don't start." All three mimicked in perfect harmony. 

"This is childish!" Elijah grew visibly more annoyed.

"This is childish!" They all copied. 

They heard the snickers of Freya, Finn, Sage, and Rebekah in the hall as they listened to Elijah's patience bend slightly. 

"We are nearly 800 years old!-"

"We are nearly 800 years old-"


This continued for an hour until Elijah attacked them. The last shred of his patience snapped and the ungodly rage of a middle child took over. The damage that followed was not only annoying but slightly impressive as well. 

It only ended when Freya gave them the migraine of the millennia bringing all four of them to their knees in annoyed pain. 

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