Staring Down the Barrel of Eternity

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Blood ran like Ichor down Niklaus' arms as he cradled the ravaged body of his youngest brother. It was an innocent desire, to see the wolves as they transformed. Something had always called to Nik about the wolves. The idea of men shifting into their truest form under the silvery moonlight fascinated him. 

He didn't think of the possibilities. 

He didn't think that Henrik might have followed him into the woods. He didn't think of how vicious the wild beasts truly were. He didn't think anything would happen at all. 

If he had maybe Henrik wouldn't be steadily losing his crimson life force. As the sun rose, Niklaus ran as fast as he could with his brother's body in his arms. He prayed to the gods that sweet Henrik would live, he was sure Mikael would kill him for this if he didn't.

"MOTHER, HELP!" His voice was hoarse with grief as he called out to the only being who could possibly help, his mother. 

Niklaus barely registered his family's gasps of horror as he laid Henrik down at his mother's feet. She sobbed, desperately trying to heal him before her grief turned to furry.

Esther rounded on Kara, charging at her and grabbing her from Kol's grasp by the hair, "YOU KNEW! YOU VILE WITCH! YOU KNEW HE WOULD DIE! YOU SAID A BAD MOON WOULD RISE, YOU KNEW! YOU LET HIM DIE!" 

Mikael had to throw Esther off Kara as the girl sobbed. Finn grabbed Kara, holding her to his chest as she cried. Kol moved to stand in front of his twin, blocking her from Esther's view.

"Her predictions are vague and come true regardless of her interference. Kara did nothing wrong!" Kol hissed.

Mikael rounded on Niklaus, "You are right Kol, it's not Kara's fault... Boy... Why were you and Henrik out..."

Niklaus had one major flaw, he could never lie in front of Mikael. His father frightened him beyond measure. So Niklaus told the truth and Mikael lunged at him. Elijah and Kol pulled Mikael off their brother, who cried on the floor. Rebekah sobbed with their mother over the carcass of their lost brother. 

"And so it begins..." Finn heard Kara mutter into his neck where her head was buried. He held his sister closer, a shot of fear striking down his spine as he recognized her words as another prediction... This was only the beginning. 

Fear had grabbed Mikael by the collar that night. 

He had just lost one son, he had lost Freya to the plague, and his favored daughter, Kara, predicted she would die this year. One by one his children were dying before him and he refused to accept it. 

He demanded that Esther go to Ayana and find a way to free their children from the threat of death. He never wanted to lose another child again. He would battle the gods themselves to save his children.

So she did. 

That night in her grief and terror, Esther went to Ayana for the spell. She ignored the warnings from Ayana and nature itself. She ignored how the gods cried through thunder and lightning, warning her not to play with such unnatural magic. 

She called upon the sun and the great white oak. She called upon time and nature. She wanted her children faster and stronger than the wolves that killed Henrik. She wanted them untouched by time or harm... She wanted them immortal. 

So as they buried their youngest, the spell began. 

Their children gathered in their grief and drank the blood and magic-laced wine. They drank and Mikael noticed Kara watching him with that all-knowing look. He quietly pulled the sword from his scabbard,  awaiting Esther's nod. 

When he was about to start, he met Kara's eyes once more. Quietly she stood and made her way toward her father, a small sad smile adorning her lips. He watched in confusion as she placed herself in front of him, "It's okay Father... Our fate was written long ago... I told you I would die with a blade in my heart, I told you I would never reach eighteen... I forgive you for what you must do..."

Tears filled Mikael's eyes as he realized his beloved Kara, knew exactly how she would die. She knew that her father would be the one to do it. 

And so, much to the horror of those around them, Mikael drove his sword through Kara's chest. Kol gripped his chest, screaming in agony before anyone saw what happened. 

Kol physically felt his twin die. It was as if his soul was ripped in half and thrown into the flames of hell. He gripped his chest, struggling to breathe as his siblings tried to hold him up. Then his eyes met his father's, and they trailed down to a sight that would haunt his nightmares for centuries to come. 

There was Mikael, tears rolling down his stern face and a sword sticking through Kara's heart.

"KARA!" Kol roared in anguish! He had never experienced such all-consuming pain before. The others turned but before any could react, Mikael had his sword through Finn's heart next, followed closely by Elijah. Rebekah screamed in terror and tried to run before Mikael grabbed her by the hair and shoved his sword through her back. 

Niklaus held Kol up, trying to back away but the extra weight slowed him down. Mikael then slashed Kol across the chest, shattering each rib in its path. Niklaus was last, having watched his siblings die one by one. 

Kara had died before. 

It was nothing new, she had been dying since she was diagnosed in her first life. However, dying with the knowledge that you would later wake up, felt distinctly different. 

So as Kara bleed out on the cold floor, hearing Kol's screams, there was a strange peace. As she stared down the barrel of eternity, she made a silent promise to herself. 

Kara would fight to ensure each of her siblings felt loved, supported, and protected. The had forever together and she would ensure their happiness and safety until forever ended.

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