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Hawkins Lab, June 16 1978

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Hawkins Lab, June 16 1978

Luna walked down the hallway, lab assistants on all sides. She clenched her fists. She didn't understand why they put up so much security when they always made sure she couldn't fight back.

They turned a corner but a scream caught her eye. A massive lioness stood in their way with blood dripping from her fangs.

Before the guards could pull out their guns, the lion leapt towards the nearest and tore out their throat. The lion glanced at her and twitched her ears towards the window at the end of the hall.

Luna sighed. As much as she didn't want to leave the others Kate would get punished for this and she couldn't let her sacrifice be in vain.  "Goodbye Kate," she whispered.

She ran towards the window and threw out her hand, water molecules forming from the air and shattering it as she reached it. Her stomach twisted and she coughed up her blood before gathering her strength and pushing herself out the window.

Alarms had started blaring but Luna knew the additional guards wouldn't be there for a few more minutes meaning she still had a shot.

She gathered up all her energy ignoring the nausea and threw her hands to the ground. Water shot out like jets propelling her into the air.

She stayed flying for a few seconds before she felt her energy start to give out and she fell hitting a tree.

She pushed herself up bruises forming on her legs. She knew she should leave this godforsaken town once and for all but she couldn't. If she left Hawkins she may never see her friends again.

She gripped the dark blue rose in her hand. She could not abandon her friends. Not after everything they'd been through. Then she would be truly alone.

That was a fate Luna could not except. She could survive here, she would have to. And when the others got out they could finally live the life they had dreamed of, together, forever.

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