Chapter 7

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The Body Part 1

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The Body Part 1

Cora flipped off the TV unable to bare watching the news anymore.

She didn't want to hear that Will died.

Another dead kid.

Another sibling who would live forever alone.

He was supposed to be different. She didn't know what she had really excepted. She had long since known that only the worst happened in Hawkins.

She stormed down the steps, fists clenched. She hadn't mentioned the Ally Memories to her parents but after this she had to talk to them.

Her mom was sitting on the couch and barely turned her head when Cora sat down.

"We need to talk."

"Well that's a first."

"About Ally."

Her mother turned to her, her face expressing annoyance. "We've been over this. You need to move on. It was years ago."

"Move on. How can I move on. You never even let me mourn her! We had her funeral and then hid all memories of her. You threw them in a box and hid them as if she never existed."

"The box was to help you. The memories would only have held you back."

"No. They would have helped me accept things. At least then it would have actually been like I had a sister."

Before her mother could come up with another inane argument she stormed out. If she stayed any longer she was going to do something she regretted. Or worse, something she didn't regret.


Luna and Eleven sat in the tent playing with Mike's super-com while Mike glared off to he side.

Luna ignored him. He was being mean now but he was mourning. Gods know if it had been one of her friends the entire town would be dead.

But then again most people had a better grieving process then her.

"Can you please stop that."

Luna continued to watch El knowing she was trying to get in touch but not quite knowing how.

She had never interacted with the Telekinetic's and therefore knew little about how their powers worked.

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