Chapter 1

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The Vanishing of Will Byers Part 1

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The Vanishing of Will Byers Part 1

Luna closed her eyes, enjoying the tranquility of the water as she lay in the bottom of the pond. It had been 5 years since she had left the lab but she couldn't truly leave the place.

Not with the others still in there. She had stayed in Hawkins, making sure the lab didn't find her again which wasn't as hard as it seemed.

Anytime Luna had worried they were going to find her, or she had heard them searching, she had simply submerged herself in the bottom of the pond or quarry. Hiding in the water, she had quickly learned was the easiest way to survive.

Of course no one was searching for her anymore. They all assumed she was long gone. Escaped or dead. After all you'd have to be insane to stay in a place like Hawkins.

Luna pushed herself out of the water, clothes instantly dry as she examined the night sky, littered with stars and the moon she had been named after shining brightly in the sky.

When Luna had first gotten out of the lab she had gazed at the stars every night learning constellations that she had only seen shown in books like that Ally read to her.

There was so much Luna had never experienced before getting out of the lab. As she was walking forward she heard a twig snap and labored breathing. She scampered away ducking down to avoid detection. Who would be in the woods in the middle of the night?

A boy about her age with brown hair and a red and yellow jacket ran past with a terror stricken face.

Luna swerved her head behind him as she cautiously stood up. There was no way he would be running like that if he wasn't running from something.

She soon found the cause of his fear as a nearly nine foot tall monster emerged from the woods. It had no face only a large Venus flytrap looking mouth.

It lunged at her and though she was surprised she jumped out of the way throwing a water made dagger at the monster. She hit its arm causing it to grow angrier and it attacked faster.

She jumped out of the way throwing the assorted weapons she conjured out of the water but found herself tiring. She couldn't keep up the dance and the monster lunged at her and slashed open her stomach.

She fell back, blood pooling from her wound as she threw her arms up. Water molecules collected and formed a shield around her. The creature tried to break through but gave up stalking in the direction of his first prey.

Luna felt herself growing dizzy as she glanced once more at her gaping wound, but forced herself to stand. She grabbed the trees slowly moving forward until she reached the pond and threw herself in, finally letting herself fade into oblivion.


Luna's eyes snapped open and she jumped up finding herself once again lying in the pond. She swam out, sunlight hitting her eyes, and looked at her stomach. The wound had healed over leaving only the tiniest hints of a scar but her shirt was still torn up.

She pulled out the rose breathing it in deeply taking comfort in its bloom.

It was only thing that gave her hope most days. As long as Rose lived her roses could not die which meant as long as it flourished Luna wasn't alone.

She grabbed another shirt from the pile she kept in the pond and walked back to where the monster had attacked her last night.

She found some of her blood smeared across a tree and held out her hand tapping in to the darker part of her power as the blood slowly slipped off the tree and collected around her hand.

After making sure there was no more evidence of her appearance last night she searched for the boy. She didn't know who he was but she assumed he was running to his house.

Closing her eyes she tapped into the water watching the world as if she was part of the water instead of a human. She followed the direction he had ran and found a house. She searched inside but found no one and let her world go back to normal.

She wiped the blood from her nose and set off in a different direction. There was no use worrying about the boy. Either he had gotten away or the monster had killed him. There was no way she could help him now.

But she could help stop this monster. There was only one place a creature like that could have came from.

Luna peeked out from behind the trees and peered above the barbed wire that surrounded the place she had grown up in. There were more vans than usual going out which made her assume another subject had escaped.

While she wished to believe it was one of her friends, she had checked up on the lab using her aqua vision as Ally called it hundreds of times. It had been years since she had seen any of them. As happy as she was that they'd escaped it left her feeling lost.

That didn't matter though. Right now she just had to find that monster and kill it.

She closed her eyes once again using her aqua vision to fly and search the lab. She caught no glimpse of the monster but she did find a hole ripped through the wall. She tried to get inside but she only managed a glimpse of a dark, gray dimension with particles and vines surrounding it.

That had to be where the monster was from. The hole must have been opened by one of the telekinetic's as none of her friends could do such a thing.

Using the aqua vision she left the lab and searched the town. She still didn't see a monster but she found something else. A girl with a shaved head and a hospital gown. The escaped subject.

Luna opened her eyes, and leapt through the woods running to reach the girl. She only managed a glimpse of her as she entered a building. Luna glanced at the sign saying Benny's Burgers with distaste.

She hadn't survived this long by talking to people. Of course she could understand the appeal. That girl probably hadn't had any good food in her entire life.

Luna sat down. She would wait for the girl to leave. The girl would be fine. She was from the lab. She was a fighter.

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