Chapter 3-"Headhunters"

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(Mystery Shack, Gravity Falls)

In the living room of the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel are seen sitting on the floor with a bowl of popcorn between them, watching a little show called "Duck-tective" on TV with Mabel knitting something, presumably a sweater. Y/N is also there with them, sitting behind the two on Stan's chair with a glass of soda in his hand.

Police Officer (On TV): "I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir! My men have examined the evidence, and this is obviously an accident."

It cuts to the show, showing a British police officer standing next to a phone box with a dead body inside of it as a white duck walks into frame, wearing a little deerstalker hat on its head.

Duck (On TV): "(Accident, constable? Or is it... (Turns to the officer) Murder?!)"

Police Officer (On TV): "What?!"

Announcer (On TV): "Duck-tective will return after these messages!"

Mabel drops what she was kitting, clearly in awe at what she just witnessed on the television, looking over to Y/N and her sister with a look of amazement on her face.

Mabel: "That duck is an absolute genius!"

Y/N: "When you're that close to the ground, it's easier to find clues."

Dipper: "That's what I was thinking."

Mabel: "Wait.. are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Mabel, I got an IQ of 420, of course I can outwit the duck. Plus, with just one little whiff, I can easily tell what you've been doing for the past 24 hours."

Mabel: "(Blushes) W-Wait, really?"

Y/N: "Observe. (Sniffs) Earlier in the day, you were earing an entire tube of toothpaste and... rummaging through my laundry and... sniffing my clothes?"

He stares at Mabel with a questioning look on his face, raising an eyebrow at her as she turns away with a big blush on her face, covering her head with her sweater. Dipper couldn't help but snicker at her sister after she specifically told her not to go around and mess with Y/N's stuff.

Mabel: "U-Uh.. No comment?"

Dipper: "Hehe.. Oh sis, told you not to do it in the first place."

Y/N: "Well, Mabel, I'd say I'm flattered but I don't recommend you sniffing my under--"

Soos: "Hey, dudes!"

The three of them turn to the voice and see Soos sliding in, stopping outside of the living room with a broom in his hand.

Soos: "You'll never guess what I found!"

Dipper & Mabel: "Buried treasure!"

Y/N: "Wax figures!"

Soos: "Whoa, you actually guessed it right, Y/N."

Y/N pumps his fist in celebration for getting it right as Dipper and Mabel look at him quite surprised to guessing it right. The three of them quickly get up from their seats and follow Soos down a hallway in the shack which was quite dirty looking with bits of wallpaper ripped off, dust on the floor, and cobwebs on the wall.

Soos: "So I was cleaning up when I found this secret door hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy-bonkers creepy!"

Soos stops at an partially opened door in the wall with some wallpaper on its surface, making it look like it was apart of the walls when closed. The three enter with Y/N pulling out his sonic screwdriver, turning it on for a source of light as the others look around. What they found inside were... Wax figures of many different famous people?

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