Chapter 7-"The Time Traveler's Pig"

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[Containment Floor, McGucket's Underground Base.]

The elevator lets out a dinging sound as it arrives at its floor, the door sliding opening and showing Y/N inside while he pushes up his glasses. He walks out of the elevator and into a futuristic looking corridor, his boots clicking the metal floor as he continues walking down.

Y/N passes numerous high-tech looking cells with big windows that show the inside of them in the corridor, most of them filled with many creatures and beasts. Each cell were different sizes and unique environments to accommodate the different creatures. Some of them go into hiding in a spot in their cell or just stare at Y/N as he passes by their cell, some with sadness and some with anger.

There were signs on their all of their cell doors, showing the names of the creatures residing in each one of the containment cells. Some of them being "The Hide Behind", "Septarian", "Gil Moss", "Talking Newt", "Manotaur", and many more.

But Y/N wasn't here to see any of them, he was here for somebody else. After a bit of more walking and turning a couple corners, the boy stops at a cell with the sign on the door that says "Quentin Trembly" on it. Y/N stares through the glass window and sees the inside of the cell, the interior decorated like a 19th century room with the walls made of wood and furniture the same as it was back then.

An old man with spectacles sat in an armchair by a fireplace, cutting up paper with some scissors. The fire casting a light on his face that showed him happily smiling as he continues cutting the paper.

 The fire casting a light on his face that showed him happily smiling as he continues cutting the paper

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{Quentin Trembly}

Y/N continues standing outside, waiting for his friend to finish up with his arts & crafts first. After a bit, Quentin finishes cutting up the paper and pulls them apart, revealing it to be what looks like the eye of providence wearing a top hat.

He stares at the piece of paper for a bit before knocking on the glass, getting the president's attention. Quentin turns to the sound and his face turn very happy at the sight of Y/N standing outside, waving at him.

Y/N: "Hey Quentin, nice seeing you again."

Quentin: "By goodness, Mickey my dear boy! It is good to see you as-- OOF!!"

Quentin runs towards Y/N, his arms out for a hug, only for his face to be met with the thick glass instead that sends the president to the wooden floor. The boy cringes as that happened right in front of him before his friend got back up with a look of dislike.

Quentin: "Darn these windows! I'd wage war on you like I did those pancakes!"

Y/N chuckles and walks to the cell door, pressing his hand against it until it opens up, allowing for the boy to step into Quentin's room as the door closes behind him.

Y/N: "Pioneer Day passed a couple days ago, just so you know."

Quentin: "Oh, really? Hard to tell the day in here."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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