Silver Storm

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"Here we are!" Mel declared. The air ship landed on the wild fields of Wyoming. Dark clouds coated the sky. Auzzie was nearly obscured by the tall grass. "Arian!" There in a mini blue car was Arian and Silver. None of them really changed at all. "How've you been?"

"Cherry well!" Silver barked. Akatsuki glared at him. Orochi wrapped its body around Shadow. "Oh is that Mr. Fishy Fins?"

"My name is Akatsuki! A-Ka-Tsu-Ki!" The fish yelled. His water bubble was cooling down. Ren cast a warming spell on themselves. Auzzie grabbed onto their leg. "I'm going home!"

"With what ship?" Someone stepped out from behind it. 

"When did you get here?" Mel asked. She looked at everyone else. "Do you know him?" The guy in question had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail. He wore a Hale Navy top and pants. On the right side of his chest was a small logo in silver. 

"That's irrelevant. Someone here is going to jail for multiple vehicle thefts, alcoholism, and breaking people's hearts."

"That's my Ren," Silver barked. His tail wagged furiously. 

"What the fuck do you want Ganryu?" Ren asked. They crossed their arms over their chest and tapped their foot. "Is this because I broke up with you? Because I wouldn't consider what we had dating."

"Oh my Poseidon! You have a jealous ex," Akatsuki said. 

"When did you become a tramp?" Arian asked. Sweetie slapped him across the face. "Oww, what the hell?" Shadow stomped on his foot. "Ow! Are you wearing heels?"

"I am Ganryu, of the Galactica Force. I'm going to bring Renfeng Wang Heilong to justice," He drew his gun. 

"I modified your gun while you were asleep once," Ren stated. Ganryu fired, but the bright green energy bullets did nothing. "You can't harm me or my family dipshit." Ren flipped him off and Ganryu took out a long sword with a silvery sheen. 

"Can we stop describing things as silver?" Akatsuki asked. 

"Aww, I don't mindy at the slightest!" Silver barked. His tail still wagged furiously. He was practically bouncing all over the place. 

"It's cold," Orochi hissed and leaned its full weight on Shadow. The small dog had to steady himself. 

"Let me fight. I know everything this dipshit can do," Ren said. 

"That's another thing, I never approved of your language. You've always insulted me, even when we were dating," Ganryu stated. He swung his sword at Ren's head, they ducked out of the way. They dodged his flurry of jabs. "Why can't I hit you?"

"Hey dipshit, I modified that sword, it repels people now," Ren stated. Ganryu charged, only for Ren to pivote to the side and trip him. Before he fell they grabbed the sword and made him drop it. "Careful, wouldn't want you stabbing an eye out," They laughed dryly. "Come on, doll."

"Okay, what is this?" Arian asked. "You used to be such a short little kid."

"Well I grew up, bitch!" Ren declared. Sirens blared up in the sky. The flashing lights looked like asteroids plummeting for the earth. "Oh fucking hell. If you think that was bad wait til you hear how my mom curses."

"No getting off topic!" Ganryu yelled. He raised his sword and charged for Ren. 

"Stop!" Silver jumped in between the two. Ganryu set down the sword. "I'll take care of things here, go!" Silver barked. He glared at Ganryu with his fangs bared. 

"I only have stuff here with Renfeng," Ganryu pointed his sword at Ren. "You're going down!"

"No you," Ren flipped him off. They jumped up and used the air ship to vault themselves up in the air. They did a front flip and landed behind Ganryu. 

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