Mars Bars

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"Here we are!" Ren declared. The space ship landed in a lot next to other giant ships. "Mars!" Everything was covered in red rocks and sand. "Ah sure takes me back!" 

"The only thing here is a parking lot," Akatsuki said. "I hate it." Orochi was trying to bury itself in the sand while Shadow kept digging it out. 

"Cut the hijinks crap," Ren ordered. "I'll show you where the cool shit is." Ren walked over to a giant rock and kicked it. "Hey open up dipshit!" 

"You don't have to be rude," The rock said. A giant hole with a straight stairway leading down opened up. "Here Wang boy."

"We're going down to a bar. And we're likely to find someone who knows something about Papillion. I'm meeting my girls and B down here. Now remember, if someone here is hot they're going to be a disappointment. If they're a dork or ugly they're like that in real life." Ren walked down the stairs. 

"What sort of advice was that? And bar?" Arian asked. 

"Oh! And never wear sunglasses to a bar!" Ren yelled from the darkness below. Down there was a busting bar. There was a faint red glow as fireflies, fairies, and string lights illuminated the place. Everything smelled of cheap booze and vomit. Ren put on some heavy black headphones. Sweetie whimpered and stayed close to the entrance. 

"It's too loud," She whimpered. 

"Okay, go wait in the space ship," Ren patted her on the head. 

"Ren!" A group of girls squealed and ran over to them. 

"How was Earth? I haven't been there in so long!" Kiki's voice was so high pitched it could pass as a dog whistle. She had long wavy black hair and glasses. She dressed in a short skirt and a purple lace top. "We're not buying any alcohol."

"Yeah, just root beer," Dot said. She was a tall dark skinned girl who also wore glasses. She wore a black jacket over a t-shirt and jeans. "So who're they?"

"I'm Ren's aunt, Mellia," Mel said. 

"Where's B?" Ren tilted their head like a dog. Auzzie was busy barking at everyone. A few people gave him strange looks. 

"They left for Sclerf Derf," Zhello said. She was a girl with beautiful naturally way brown hair that bounced and danced as she moved. She wore a black jacket over a soft gray top and a blue and black skirt. She wore fake glasses, probably to fit in. 

"We named a star......B legally named it Sclerf Derf.......Technically we all own the star I was the one who colonized it. It's going to be a real shame when it dies and shit," Ren explained. 

"So what are you doing?" Dot asked. Silver leaned in towards him while wagging his tail. "And who's this?"

"Satan," Akatsuki answered, Arian glared at him, "I mean Silver."

"Let's cover more ground," Ren said. 

"We shouldn't. And you shouldn't even be in a bar, these places are bad," Arian cut in. "I was a former cop, I'll do it."

"Former, old man. You've never been to Mars. I dated a cop. You guys don't know shit about Mars," Ren stated. They walked off and disappeared into the crowd. Roulette was already trying to catch the string lights. 

"Wish me luck," Akatsuki said. He patted Orochi on the neck and went off. Orochi slithered off to talk to some other snakes. 

"Yeesh, I haven't been to a Mars bar before," Mel commented. 

"Don't make that a thing," Arian walked away. 

Meanwhile, Ren spotted someone. He had dark hair with blonde streaks in it. He stood near a wall while shifting from one foot to another and playing with his hands. He wore a fancy black jacket with a few chains and gears on it. His boots had spikes on the toe. He dressed well in what Ren guessed was a facade of fancy clothes. He had soft looking pale skin and his hair was slightly messy in a way that made Ren blush. 

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