Bubblegum Kisses || Bubble x GN!Reader

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★ THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING @rustycaik !!! enjoy your  fluffy fic!! <<3

It was a warm spring day, the sun peppered your skin with kisses, and the wind blew them away. After every competition, Four would fortunately gift all of the contestants a short break. On day's like these, you would oftentimes sit around in the field of lush green grass, chat it up with a friend or two and take the time to relax. 

And there you were, sitting underneath the yellow trees, like an old book stowed in a dusty bookshelf; unwinding to the sound of the soft wind grazing at the blades of plush grass. Nothing had seemed too out of place, everything seemed to be at peace.

You stared down at your knees. You were alone, you and your thoughts. Your mind couldn't help but doze off to Bubble, a chatty, nervous and admittedly quite endearing person. You tried to fight of the plume of heat prickling at your face as your mind wandered off to her. Just thinking about her plucked at your heart strings in some type of way.

She was a nice friend, always invested in your conversations and rants, inviting you to every little activity and helping out in the challenges Four would sometimes set up despite being on different teams. Gifting you hugs and complimenting you. She was just the sweetest thing ever. You couldn't help but fall for the sentimental Bubble. 

Your heart always began to flutter out of your chest everytime she was near. She would hum soft melodies and you would often find yourself humming and even began to fluster everytime she spoke sweetly to you. You could only hope the feeling wasn't onesided. 

That is until you hear something , or quite possibly someone rustle inside a yellowish bush not too far away; interrupting your sappy miniature monologue. You jolt upwards from your seated position. What was that? Startled and confused, you decided to check in said bush. You stopped in your tracks. 

A broken sob could be heard, from a very dear and familiar voice. Your face dropped into a frown. "Hello? Are you okay?" You hummed out, in a calm and slow voice, in attempts to not startle the person.

In panic, you hurried over to the bush, crouching down over to witness non other than Bubble herself. She sobbed into her hands, salty tears pouring down like droplets of rain. You carefully yet comfortingly rub circles onto her back as she wept. It shattered your heart into pieces to find bubble out of all people like this. 

"Shh.. It's alright. Let it all out." You breathed out sweetly, continuing to comfort her. Bubble latched onto you, her arms clung to your body. You were initially tense, due to the unexpectedness of the hug, but you slowly melted into her squeeze. Eventually, Bubble settled to a low sniffle, and pulled away.

"Now, would you like to talk about it?.." you murmered softly. She shook her head. Bubble preferred not to speak of it right now, she didn't want to remind herself of the previous events that had taken place. You only hummed back in response. Everything was silent, but it was a comforting one. The air felt warm between the two of you.

"Thoink you, (O/n)." She managed to squeak out, a soft blush spreading across her face. She neared closer again for another hug. Now, it was your turn for your face to flush. "Of course, anything for you, Bubble." You returned the squeeze, of course, softly. The soft scent of bubblegum wafted the air. 

"I care a whole lot about you, I don't know what I would do without you." You began to mutter, your heart beginning to speak for itself. "You're the sweetest person I have ever met, I love you." You choked, your face boiling hot. Your stomach could only pool with a tinge of regret. You did it in the spur of the moment, and now she might reje—

"Oi.. oi loive you too!" She blurted out with a shaky breath, parting from the hug and covering her face in attempts to conceal the huge blush painted onto her face. "You're the noicest person oi have ever met—you doint mistreat me, you care foir me, and you loive me. And that's aoill I've ever wanted." She muffled. You blinked in shock.

You gently removed her hands from her face, and intertwined them with yours. She appeared to be holding her breath, face flushed. You couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight. "You're really cute, when you blush." You muttered, and she immediately exhaled and smiled sweetly.

You both lock eyes with eachother. Feverishly, she clung onto you and pressed her lips against yours. Your eyes widened, you never expected for Bubble to make the first move, but you melted into the kiss nevertheless. 

It was loving, and passionate. It tasted sweet, like bubblegum. You squeezed her back in a haze, deepening the kiss. You could stay like this forever, but alas, both of you parted due to the lack of air. 

"Would you like to sit in the field together?" You asked, smiling brightly. "Oi would, but right now oi would prefer to stoiy here and cuddle." She replied. "Of course, like I said earlier, anything for you."

"So, are we together now?" You asked, leaning onto Bubble softly. "Foirever."

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