You're it || Naily X GN!Reader

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★ thank youuu for requesting @d00dl3_v3rs3 <<3

"I nailed it!" Naily clamoured cheerfully, hopping onto your head and affectionately nuzzling her face onto you lovingly, much like a cat would. You could feel the cool metal pressing against your body. You giggled, "That's always nice to know, Naily!!" You chirped happily, beginning to pace slowly to make sure she wouldn't fall off of you. The setting sun was warm, pinks and purples painted the sky lazily, clouds draped in the colour like cotton candy.

"Mm.. this is nice." Naily smiled softly, relaxing at the slow and gentle rustling of the wind. You could only nod gently in agreement. "I'm glad we have so much time to relax after every challenge, we needed this." You hummed sweetly.

"I'm surprised, I didn't expect to to be so kind." She replied, "Though I do wonder what Two does, or even goes all those months." She explained, pondering any possible opportunities. Maybe they relax, or they're working on a project bigger than this competition. But one should never be so sure.

Instead, Naily took in every detail of the elegant scenery, the bright green trees, and how the lush leaves danced with the wind, alongside the glowing sun illuminating the dusky sky. The shrubby grass perfectly lined with the horizon, colourful spring flowers ribbed the low hillside. And you. Equally as bewitching as the sunset displayed before the two of you. Her eyes sparkled, as she couldn't help but stare.

"Ah, Naily? Are you alright?" You asked, concern evident in your voice. Your brows furrowed, face coated pure worry. "Eh! Y-yeah! Of course, (O/n)." She flustered, her lips trembling. "Alrighty, but please do tell if something is wrong!" You assured her, carefulness in your voice. "Hey, how about this, let's play tag. Maybe we you can put your mind at ease?" You asked, beginning to flush at how adorable she looked when she would perk up excitedly; tag was one of her favourite games to play. You had figured that out after the many times she's played with Gelatin.

"Well then," Naily interjected slowly, "You're it!" She yelps eagerly, hopping off of your head and nimbly scampering amongst the flowers, careful steps in attempts to not trample their cozy beds.

The sky was as dark as a navy blue coat, droplets of stars shimmered and sprinkled throughout the sky, like little marshmallows floating around mindlessly in hot cocoa. The moon dimly lit the grass, painting a white light on each fleecy blade.

You chased after Naily, giggling and oblivious to your surroundings. You ran and ran after her, and then realised why her favourite game was tag; she was good, no scratch that, insane at the game. You halted and crouched down, attempting to catch your breath. Panting heavily. Breathless, you managed to choke out, "You're... really good at this game!" Her face puffed into the classic '>:3' emoticon, snickering mischievously.

You happily flushed once again, "You look so cute." you muttered quietly under your breath, voicing your thoughts out loud. Turns out, Naily wasn't too far ahead. Her face then exploded with blush. "Ehm.. d-did you say something?" She stammered out loud, maybe she heard you incorrectly? "I said you look cute," you huffed, still breathless. "Ah! Th-thank you!" Naily stuttered, frozen from the sudden compliment thrown at her, absolutely flattered. You thought Naily was cute? Just her? Just for the way she always acts?

This time, an arrow really pierced her heart, pounding at incomprehensible speeds. This was your chance to catch Naily! But despite only flirting with her to fluster her so you could finally win, you really did find her adorable, you had fallen in love with Naily. It felt comfortable to let that out your chest.

"You're-" you shouted, but then immediately cut off as Naily began to yelp, "ITHINKYOU'RESUPERCUTEASWELL!" She blurted bashfully, her brows furrowed, a nervous smile tugging at her lips. Now, it was your turn to freeze in embarrassment. The both of your stood in front of eachother, "I.. I love you Naily!" You hummed happily, a smile plastered onto your face. "I do too." You neared closer, and pecked her cheek softly. She chuckled, her face flaring up with a huge blush.

"You're still it though!" she giggled playfully. "Awh mann.. please?" You pleaded to your now new girlfriend, Naily. Cool wind grazing the air. "I'll think about it, once you catch me!!" She laughed, jogging away at inhuman speeds, her face puffing into the '>:3' emoticon.

"Hey!!" You playfully shouted, running after Naily.

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