Strawberry Flavoured || Human!Two x Human!Reader

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★ THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING @c4ss1dy_2763 !! 

★ A/N: im sorry but why is humanized two ACTUALLY SO AAAUGGHH LIKE MARRY ME 🏃‍♀️💨

"I want you to find a way to turn me into a human." They demanded, sharply gazing up at you. You heartily laughed, they were trying to intimidate you, how adorable of them to do so. A huge embarrassed blush painted onto their face. Two was way shorter than you, and the objects were short compared to them! Despite never having the opportunity to meet them, you'd imagine they would be petite. "You really think being a short, colourful, squishy number is intimidating?—One thing for sure, it doesn't help a bit." You stifled a chuckle, kneeling down on both knees and placing a kiss on their head. Two was your lover. 

You had met in a bizarre way, but love even then can surpass logic to matchmake the perfect pair. 'How would a human scientist fall in love with a powerful british Two?' You would probably answer with the power of love, there really was no logical explanation of the odds, dare I say, you were a scientist and didn't even know the proper answer to the question.

 Two hosted a game show, 'The Power of Two', and constantly insisted that you took part of it, as a co-host. You agreed, of course! Anything for Two, yes, but it was difficult without powers like Two had. So you were currently digging up and brewing all sorts of things to enhance your ability. 

"Anyway, I'll stop messing with you, love. How may I be of assistance?" You answered, gently stroking your hand atop of their soft head as they grumbled quietly. "I want to become a human." They said, once more. A weak smile drew onto their face, blush still lingering by. "Oh, is there a reason?" You queried, walking towards one of your inky black counters and poking at one of your potions brewing, the thick orange substance bubbled, which was a good sign. 

Two mumbled something quietly, but you couldn't hear. "Could you repeat that?" You asked once more, furrowing your brow in confusion, tugging your ruddy blue gloves. "I–.. I want to.. ehm.. I don't want to you bend down to kiss me anymore, I'm not THAT short." Two pouted playfully, ironically staring up at you. Your eyes sparkled, "Of course, anything for you!" You lovingly gushed, scooping the green integer in both of your hands and squeezing them against your chest. Two chuckled, nuzzling into their face onto you. You were warm.

"Now, let's see.." you hummed, placing Two on the counter as you open up some textbooks about human anatomy. You squinted. This was going to be surprisingly easy. Your eyes trailed back to the vat of orange bubbling liquid. "It already has all of the elements, we just need to.. give it a way to actually turn you into one." You stated. 

Two's eyes sparkled with delight and bafflement, they were more then happy they had a hot scientist partner. You didn't know they called you that though, like it matters—anywho, "Two." They jolted up, "Mhm?" They responded quickly, beginning to levitate off of the countertop. "I'm going to need some form of your DNA, or something of that nature. Put it in this clear glass dish, and once you do close it and give it back please." You smiled sweetly, as Two contently nodded.

They spit in the dish. Yikes. You stare in disbelief. "Pfft. You idiot.." you giggled tiredly, seeing their eager smile. They carried such a childish but professional demeanor, and you couldn't help but find it endearing. "Anyhow, this'll do fine, just don't let me witness it, that was.. pretty gross." You admitted, holding back laughter to keep yourself from accidentally dropping something. They flew and hugged your neck, peppering kisses all over your cheek as you worked. "Dork." You whispered, "Geek." Two snickers, bopping your nose carefully. 


You groaned tiredly, "Finally! I finished." Two was napping atop of your head, waiting for you to get done for quite awhile now. Two then sprung awake. "Thank you!!" They began to float and once more shower you with affection and kisses. You chuckled at this, a light blush spreading across your face. 

"I added strawberry flavouring so it'll go down easier, I figured you might've wanted that." You said, staring at your lover. Their eyes sparkled, a bashful, yet playfully lovesick expression was written all over their face. They hugged your arm, playfully wailing. "AAAAAAAAAHGH—I LOVE YOU, (Y/N)!" Two cried happily. You could only smile back lovingly, giggling at their childish antics. "Here you go, Two." You handed them a tube filled with a thick pink fluid. "Down the hatch, I suppose." Two pops off the cork and drinks the whole thing with ease. 

"Hmm.. Nothing is ha–" Two was cut off briskly by a pink puff of smoke filling the room, you coughed and attempted to swat it away. "Did it work?" You choked out. Soon, the smoke faded, and there stood.. "Two?" You called out.

"Woah. This feels.. odd. But I'm glad I'm finally taller than you know who!!" They sheepishly announced. Two had light green skin, pointed ears, and thick fluffy hair, styled in such a way that it resembled the shape of Two's previous form. They had long lashes and black eyes, a faint green blush painted across. They wore a white dress shirt, with black suspenders which connected to a pair of black slacks and heeled boots. To top it all off, was a green tie and a pin of the number two. They were surprisingly, and incredibly tall. 

They awkwardly stumbled to the wall for support, their legs were trembling. You assume they may find it difficult to adapt to a new body. You ran towards them and gave them a bone–crushing hug. "Oh my goodness, it worked." You hummed, your hands traveling to their hair. You ran your fingers through it, it felt like silk. Two bashfully grinned. 

Two began to wrap their arms around your neck, only to then pull you on top of them awkwardly. "Oh dear, sorry about that—Kind of new to this, yeah?" They stammered embarrassedly, face flushed. "Yeah, yeah." You mindlessly blurted, kissing Two on the cheek.

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