I Never Stopped Loving You

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Your 3 year old baby girl was so beautiful. Every time you looked into her baby blue eyes you got a bittersweet feeling. She looked just like her father. Thinking about how he left you made your heavy heart sink into your stomach. You'd never love anyone like you loved that man, no matter who it was.

Almost 4 years prior... you were 2 and a half weeks along

"I'm home!" You yell as you shut the door behind you and place your keys on the counter. You scan your line of vision for your dear boyfriend, and don't see him anywhere. Then your eyes lock onto three beer bottles on the coffee table.

You approach the sofa to see a passed out Marshall with another bottle in his hand. You pick up the bottles one bye one, swishing them around to check how much he had drank. You couldn't tell just by looking because the lights were off. They were all empty.

'Seriously Marshall?' you thought to yourself. You sighed deeply and went to trash the bottles.

"Hey baby" you heard him mutter softly. "Hi Marshall" you reply in a dissapointed tone.
This was happening way too often recently.

You understood he was going through a rough depressive episode, but the frustrating part was that he wouldn't let you help. He refused any coping mechanism that wasn't alcohol.

He stood up from the couch, swaying a bit as he tried to regain his balance. He came from behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. He rested his head on your shoulder. You felt a thin, warm layer of tears pool in your eyes at the frustration.

You had something to tell him. You were pregnant, but you couldn't tell him not while he's like this, not now.

He noticed your change in behavior. "What's the matter baby?" He asked concerned, slurring his words. His voice didn't even sound right. You felt a warm tear trickle down your cheek.

"Don't worry about it." You answered, refusing to talk to him about this until hes sober. But he pushed, "Well I am worryin' 'bout it."

"I don't wanna talk about it right now Marshall."

He let's you go for a minute, offended you don't want to confide in him about it. "Well why the hell not."

"I just don't." You felt more hot tears run down your face now. "Oh c'mon Y/n I ain't fucking stupid, you think I'm drunk." He states firmly. "Because you are."

"The fuck I am." He defends. You sigh and turn around, "Goodnight Marshall." You begin to walk towards the stairs, fully intending to cry yourself to sleep tonight. He grabs your hand pulling you back to him. "I said GOODNIGHT, Marshall." You say trying to make it clear that you're tired and don't have time to deal with him right now.

"Well I'm not done talkin'." He says, raising his voice slightly. Oh God, you prepared yourself. You wanted him to get it over with so you nodded. "Baby, I swear to you. I only had one beer."

"Oh bullshit Mathers!" You raised your voice higher. Pissed that he would lie straight to your face. That was one thing you wouldn't tolerate no matter who or what state they were in. It was blatant disrespect. "I threw away the other three beers that were sitting on the fucking table, so don't even pull that!"

"Well what the fuck else do you expect me to tell you?"

"I don't know! The truth would be fucking nice for once!" You yelled back. You were completely crying now.

"Well you wanna know the truth Y/n?!" He asked matter of factly.


"I'm fucking tired of you! That's why I get wasted almost every other night. All your bitchin and naggin drives me fuckin insane!" He screams.

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