You, Him, and the Stars

997 18 15

He's so pretty y'all 😭 ^^^^


You weaved through the crowd as the floor beneath you buzzed along with the booming of the music. Bright lights that could trigger an epileptic episode flashed around, leaving only silhouettes of strangers you do not intend to talk to.

You made your way to the bar, fully looking to forget the sorry shit that just cheated on you with your now ex-best friend. You weren't exactly looking to hook up with anyone, but if they were cute then... what the hell, right?

You decided on a nice margarita to soothe your regret. You allowed both a cheater and homewrecker into your life.

Then again, if she wanted him so bad, she could have him. He did nothing good for you, so win-win.

You sat sipping away for a moment until you noticed a presence beside you. He ordered a drink and glanced at you. Damn, he was cute, but there was something else about him. He looked very familiar, like you've met him before.

He had an almost platinum blonde buzzcut, tattoos, small hoop earrings, and a dog tag hanging against his white t-shirt.

He kept stealing glances at your face and giving you a once-over.

"Okay, may I help you, buddy?" You questioned, getting a bit annoyed at his impression.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like I know you from somewhere. You from here?" He admitted.

He obviously was, his accent had 'Detroit' all over it.

"Uh... yeah, yeah I am." You replied a bit weirded out by his sudden interest.

"It's weird... I still can't place you..." He said, thinking out loud.

"I um, I went to Lincoln." You stated a bit hesitantly.

"Nah, nah... sorry, that's just not possible." He said through a chuckle.

"What makes you think that?" You scoffed at his denial.

"Cause I definitely would've remembered such a pretty face."

"Wow, smooth, but nice try." You replied to his flirty attempt.

"I'm Y/N L/N, used to be blonde. I braided my hair a lot, kind of a know-it-all..." You said cringing a little.

"Oh shit! Y/N? As in Mrs. Nicky's neice?! As in Y/N/N?!"

"Oh my God, I haven't heard that nickname in years." You laughed.

Your smile faded a bit in realization. "Wait, didn't we have Biology or somethin' together?"

"Yeah, uhhh... Mr. Monovak." He said, smirking.

"Yeah! Isn't your name Michael?"

"Marshall." He corrected.

"...Y'know, I still feel like I'm missing something."

"Whatchu mean?"

"Like something about you... Something I feel like I'm supposed to know."

"Yeah? Kinda glad you don't know."

"And why is that? You wanted for murder or somethin'?" You joke as you take another sip of your drink.

"Nah man, I'm Eminem." He says casually.

You cough, thankfully, you swallowed your drink before you projectile-spat it everywhere.

"The new rapper?! So you're telling me that I went to school with Slim Shady?"

"I guess so." He says a bit amused at your reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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