He Doesn't Deserve You

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Marshall picked you up one day from your workplace to chill with all of D12. You ended up getting high and playing board games, baking, just having a blast. Everyone was just hanging out, until you lost track of time. You realized it was 1 o'clock in the morning, but Marshall insisted you'd stay since it was already so late.

You gave in and now here you are at 4:00pm trying to rush out the door to get ready and go out with your boyfriend. Marshall offered to take you home since you didn't have your car. You accepted gratefully, knowing your boyfriend, Daniel, would've given you hell for having to pick you up from another guy's house. Luckily the day before you took the bus to work so your car wouldn't be left there.

You knew Daniel didn't love you. You had been together for over a year, but he never meant it when he said it. You weren't gonna lie, you were a pretty girl. That's the only reason he was with you, for his reputation. No matter how nice you tried to be with him, he only used you. Marshall was always pissed at how you let him walk all over you, but you managed to keep him out of your relationship.

After he dropped you off at your house, you got ready while Marshall was snacking in your kitchen. (Little cabinet rat. 🙄)

"Okay, I think I'm ready!" You shout from your bathroom.

You walked out in a sage green crop top with long sleeves. You wore a short, black leather skirt with a small slit at the bottom. Your shoes were black strapped heels. Your hair was curled and you were wearing green eyeshadow with a small line of eyeliner, mascara, and rosy lipstick.

You wore gold jewelry and a black leather jacket Marshall got you for your birthday. Maybe it was a little wrong wearing something another guy got for you on a date, but you genuinely thought it was a nice jacket.

Marshall widened his eyes at you. Internally wanting to rip it off you. But he would never tell you that. He had been crushing on you since he met you, which was almost a year ago. However, he was immediately discouraged when he discovered you were taken.

"How do I look?"

"Wow, you uh, you look really n-nice"

You smile, "Thanks Marshmallow."

"Y-yeah, anytime." He muttered, checking you out as you turned around to look at the clock on your wall. He forcefully tore his eyes away to wash his plate.

It was 5:24pm. You still had a little bit until six. Daniel lived about 15 minutes away from you so he would've probably just left his house by now. You did the math in your head.

"Hey, you've got like 15 minutes to split before Daniel gets here so you might wan-"

You were cut off by the sound of gravel crunching and headlights shining through your window. He was early.

Shit! He's not gonna be happy.

"Uh, do you want me to hide?" He said sliding the dish into your drying rack next to the sink.

'Aww how sweet, he washed my plate for me.' You thought in admiration. Then quickly shook your head. 'What the hell Y/n?' You mentally scolded yourself.

"No use, your car's here." You sighed.

You quickly thought of something as you heard him open his car door.

"I'll just say you forgot to grab something from last time you came over."

It wasn't too hard to find something he left since he tends to forget things a lot.

You grabbed his old baseball cap off the back of your sofa and tossed it to him.

Just as he caught it you heard a knock. Taking a deep breath you walked over and opened the door for him, stepping aside to invite him in.

"Hey baby." He says grabbing your jaw and leaning down to peck your lips. You started to feel guilty for having to lie, but one thing about you was that you were AMAZING at acting.

"Hi Danny." You replied, waiting for his rude question you knew was coming.

"What is he doing here?" There it was.

"Oh, Marshall stopped by to pick up his hat, he was just about to leave. He lost his red one and doesn't go anywhere without one. He acts like it's his teddy bear, I swear." You say rolling your eyes and chuckling, lying smoothly. Marshall smirked very subtly when Daniel turned back to your face. You're were so good at it.

"Oh, okay." Daniel said, falling for it. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my bag." You say walking into your room.

When you were gone completely, he walked over to Marshall and leant over to whisper something.

"Listen buddy, I'm cool with it if you love her or whatever, I'm just here for pussy y'know what I'm sayin' man?" He admitted, grinning as if it was a mutual thing. Marshall stood with his jaw clenched, until something inside him snapped.

He immediately turned and clocked Daniel in the jaw. Little did they know you were in the hallway listening through the wall. You let Marshall land about four or five punches into his face until you walked in, seeing him beat your boyfriend's ass on your kitchen floor.

"Jesus Marshall get off him!" You say going to pull him up by the shoulder. He shrugged your hand off then pulled Daniel closer by the collar of his shirt. He looked into his squinted eyes sternly "Next time I hear you disrespect her, I won't be so fucking kind, 'buddy'." He spat, letting go and dropping his head back onto the the cold tile floor.

You finally got a good look at Daniel, and it was an understatement to say that he messed him up. He had a bloody nose, a bruised jaw, and his eye was already swelling up.

Daniel got up and backed away, walking towards your door, "Screw this, I'm out man." He said slamming your door behind him.

"Are you fucking kidding me Marshall?!" You scolded.

"He deserved it! You don't wanna know what he said about you!"

"I heard what he said Marshall, he can't whisper worth shit." You sighed. He really couldn't, it was pathetic. And he really believed it took you that long to grab your purse? Nah girl, you were eavesdropping.

"Then you know he doesn't deserve you, Y/n." He said stepping closer. Grabbing your hand gently to show you he was sincere.

"Are you suggesting that you do?" Ouch, you thought as soon as you said it. But it wasn't not true, he actually deserved better than you in your eyes.

"What? No!" He said defensively, dropping your hand. "Look... all I'm saying is that he's an asshole, and you shouldn't be with him."

"I know." You said sighing, dissapointed in yourself at the fact you stayed with him for so long.

"But I got all dressed up for no reason now..."

"Not necessarily."

You froze. "What are you implying?" You asked, furrowing your brows slightly.

"I dunno, you could maybe like, go out with me..." He mumbled.

You stare at him lovingly.

"Well say something!"

You don't have anything to say. So you just step closer, resting your arms around his neck. You slightly pull him down towards you.

He glances down at your lips as you smile. You both lean further in, closing the gap between you both. He kisses you gently but with passion, placing his hands on your sides. You pull away after a minute and put your forehead against his.

"That answer you're question?" You say through a grin, out of breath.

"Hmm, not quite, I might need another kiss." He said sheepishly.

You giggled shoving him back playfully, "Oh shut up loverboy."

He just stood there staring at you with a shit-eating grin. He was adorable.

He always had your heart anyway.


Idk how to feel abt this one...

Have a good night or day y'all 😙

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