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A/N: Y/I = Your Initial


"Where are we going?" You ask unable to contain your excitement. You were staying in San Francisco on vacation for the week.

"It's a surprise."

You hate surprises. You hate not knowing what to expect. It drove you crazy.

"I can't even get a hint?"


He suddenly pulls into a parking lot. "Aight, close your eyes, you gotta wear this." He says extending a black bandana. "Uh, no way." You reply. "I'll give you a kiss?" He offers.

You sigh turning your head to allow him to put it on you. He folds it, and you watch everything go black, a bit dissapointed that it's too thick to see through. He then ties it in the back and tucks the corner up into the part covering your eyes. Then he leans over, "No peeking." He mutters. You smile as he leans in to softly kiss you.

"Okay" you whisper back. Finally accepting it, calmed by his gentle kiss.

You feel the car start to move and take a deep breath.

Around 10 minutes later you feel Marshall put the car in park. He gets out and opens the door for you, touching your hand for you to grab onto. You step out of the car, not noticing his hand between you and the roof of the car, protecting you from hitting your head on the way out.

"Marshall, if you make me run into something, I swear to you, you will be drop kicked."

He chuckles as he defends himself "Don't worry baby I got you."

You smile in excitement, feeling the warm sun on your face and the soft breeze. It's mid June, and you loved the weather. As you walk longer you begin to smell salt and hear soft crashing of waves. You're smile becomes a wide grin, Marshall knows how much you love the ocean, it's always you're second home, him being your first.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask through small laughs. "Just trust me baby." He says through a smile.

You hear the sound of your heels on wood change to concrete as you walk farther. "Almost there..." He tells you.

"That's what she said." You giggle. Internally celebrating when you hear a genuine laugh leave his lips. It made you so happy to know you could make him laugh. It's the little things.

"Okay, you can stop."

"Why thank you kind sir." You joke back, you hear him laugh nervously. "Keep your eyes closed." He says as you feel his head move to your shoulder, resting there. You nod in compliance. Your smile slowly dropping in seriousness.

He slowly unties and removes the bandana. You notice the vision from the back of your eyelids go softly red, the sun brightening your once pitch black view.

He sighs, "Okay, open 'em." You slowly open your eyes squinting at first to adjust to the sudden brightness, your ears slightly ringing.

You gasp, looking out over the cool metal railing, into the colorful, soft sunset. You look left and notice he took you to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Oh. My. God.

"Marshall... it's beautiful." You say as you spin around to face him. You look into his blue eyes. "Not as beautiful as you, Y/n." He says lowly.

You smile and stare into his eyes before he speaks.

"I made us somethin'..." He says reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a gold, shiny, heart-shaped lock. He puts it in your hand as you inspect it, you turn it over and notice there was something carved into it...

'M + (Y/I), Forever'

It also had the day's date on it, with a small heart on the very bottom.

"Awww baby," You say looking back up at him. "You shouldn't have."

You remember you had mentioned the couple lock thing to him a few weeks ago, and how cute you thought it was. He noted it and saved it for now. You gushed over the fact that he payed that much attention to it.

"So this is what you've been hiding from me in the garage huh?" You say in a suggestive tone.

"Guess so." He laughs. "Wanna put it up there?"


You walk along the bridge to find a good spot. You click the lock on and admire it. You loved this man so much, he did any and everything for you.


"What is it baby?" You say still smiling at the lock in admiration.

"Marry me."

The woman was too stunned to speak.

You turn around to face him. His face covered in orange from the sunlight. His beautiful blue eyes shining as he squinted. He looked beautiful.

"I- I'm sorry what?" You say in shock.

He looks into your eyes, "Marry me, Y/n."

You hear a small click. And look down at his hands...

It was sitting in an elegant black box

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It was sitting in an elegant black box. Glimmering  brightly, as if someone plucked it from the core of the brightest star.

Holy shit. Now that's a rock, you thought.

Tears pool in your eyes, as you stare at it, while he stares at you, trying to read your expression. He waited for anything to associate with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer.

"Marshall-" you begin, looking back up at him.

"I love you Y/n. I loved you since the moment I met you, and I don't give two shits how cliche that sounds. It hurts to imagine a life without you. I wanna wake up with you next to me every morning. I love you with everything I have in me. It doesn't get simpler than that baby. Please. Marry me."

You laugh through your tears as he gives his speech.

"Okay." You nod with a sincere smile.

"Yeah?" He asks as a smile begins growing on his face.

"Yeah." You affirm.

He slips the ring onto your finger. It fits perfectly.

You study him as does, smiling sweetly admiring your now fiance.

"I love you Marshall Mathers."

"I love you more Y/n Mathers."

You giggle at the name.

Y/n Mathers.

Mrs. Mathers.

And your life began from right there.



Again suggestions here >
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