It's Not Over

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Him in glasses omggg ^^^^😩😩😩😩😩

"Thank you for agreeing to this Marshall." You say as you open the door for your ex-husband. Well, not yet technically. You were still waiting for the divorce papers.

He silently nods and sighs subtly as he crosses the threshold. Oh boy. This is gonna be... uncomfortable.

"Have a seat." You offer, gesturing to your kitchen island lined with three barstools.

You sit on the far left of him, leaving one empty seat in the middle so you're not too close for comfort.

You clear your throat, thinking of a way to start the conversation.

"So, Hailie and I are moving. It won't be far, probably about a fifteen minutes further out. But it's a bigger, nicer house, nicer area, and I was thinking you stay with us for a few weeks."

You pause for a second, giving him time to take in your words. Watching his brows furrow, as if obviously saying, 'Why?'

"I know it sounds weird, but I think it would be better for Hailie. Just temporarily, until we can get the divorce finalized and explain it to her. There's a guest bedroom in the new house if you'd feel better sleeping in there, and we don't even have to speak to each other when we're not in front of her, I just feel like she'd be more comfortable with you there. She asks me where you are a lot, and I don't have a very clear answer for her."

Right as you and Marshall started talking about a divorce, he was getting ready to leave and go on tour. When he got back from said tour, he ended up just staying at his place.

You waited for a response, until he finally sighed and nodded. "Okay, umm... I'll uh, I'll stop by my place and pack a bag, lock up the house."


"Yeah It's only for a few weeks right?"

"Y-Yeah, thank you." You say, a bit shocked at how fast he was to agree. It was for Hailies sake though, nothing more, nothing less.


One Week Later

Tension was withering away between you and Marshall now. You agreed to remain friends. Living under the same roof was a little difficult, you'll admit, but it was gradually getting easier. You even got along when it was just you two. Hailie was visibly happier too, that was really all that mattered in the long run anyway.

You strangely still had your moments though, not bad moments, but they were strange. Marshall would compliment you out of the blue.

For example, one time you balled up a piece of trash and made it into the trash can from across the kitchen, and he said, "Nice one mama." Like wtf?

Or when you were getting ready for an assembly at Hailies school and he said something along the lines of "Well you look nice."

To be honest, you were beginning to forget about divorcing him.

What had you up at night though, was what happened earlier this morning.

You were packing lunch for Hailie, when Marshall came up from behind you and put his hands on your waist to move you aside. "Scuse me baby." He muttered as he stationed you there and reached above you into the cabinets for a coffee mug.

He realized what he said and froze.

"Uuuh shit, my bad." He laughed a little awkwardly through his words.

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