Gossip, fakes and tests

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"Did you hear what happened to Eric?" Someone whispered as Moony, Snitch, Kitty and I walk to the great hall for breakfast.

"Did you hear about him seeing the Masquerades?!" Someone else whispered, this was to funny!

"Oh my god, their all so clueless!" I whisper giggling to the others.

"Its like having a secret identity!" Kitty whispered back.

"We do technically." Moony told us.

"This is to funny!" Snitch giggled as we passed more confused students.

"Are you guys excited for Halloween? I heard we had the day off." I switch the subject.

"Yeah, do you think there's going to be a costume party?" Asked Snitch.

"I hope so I lovedressing up!" Replied Kitty

"Are you guys ready for the test tomorrow?" Moony asks us riffling through a book.

"What test?!" Snitch, kitty and I yelp.

"The defence against the dark arts one?" Moony spells out for us.

"Oh, no worries then, I rock at D.A.D.A" I say blowing it off.

"Oh god! I really need to pay more attention in class!" Kitty freaks out.

"Same!" Snitch agrees.

With that we walk into the grand hall where there's a even bigger uproar, it was positively HILARIOUS?!

"What's going on?!" I shout innocently above the chaos (Which I was enjoying immensely)

"The Masquerades pranked Eric Benson last night and apparently he saw them!" some Hufflepuff told us.

"Really?! what did they look like?!" Kitty asked making sure Eric wasn't saying anything bad about us.

"Well, you should go ask Eric but according to his friend Seth, they where cute!" the guy informs us, we all stifle our giggles and head off to the Slytherin table to get some breakfast, then we saw Brittney queen of mean from Gryffindor telling everyone she was best friends with the Masquerades and that she was sworn to secrecy so she couldn't tell them who it was.

Brittney was two years older then us but not much taller, add the crazy heels she wears then she's taller then us by like, 5 inches! Brittany had long princess curled blond hair, tan skin, and a very flirty nature. Oi people these days huh?

Anyway getting up from the Slytherin table with just our luck, Mucus decides to visit, oh joy!
"So Slimetherins what do you have up your sleeves this time?" Mucus folded his arms across his chest, I do the same before replying,
"Really Mucus? 'Slimetherins'? I knew you where pathetic but honestly! Why don't you go run along with your little Ravencheaters and go to the Hufflepuff's to help with your homework?" (A/n no offense to all you Ravenclaws out there! My moms a Ravenclaw so I don't hate Ravenclaws or anything!)
Grumbling Mucus obliges and sulks over to the Ravenclaw table.
"Ugghhhhh" I groan once he's out of earshot.
"Oh my god! I swear every time you manage to outsmart him, how do you do it?" Kitty laughs.
"That's a very good question." I say as we walk to D.A.D.A together.
"Next time for a prank we should replace all Brittney's makeup with face paint, die her hair with green streaks and cover all her clothes in jam!" Moony suddenly says.
"Yes!" Kitty, Snitch and I agree.
"Tonight?" Snitch asks.
"Two pranks in a row? I think we can swing it." I nod confidently.
With that we all walk into the defence against the dark arts classroom prepared to face the test.

Time skip to the night...

I was currently sitting on a stool as Snitch and Kitty did my makeup.
"Are you done yet?" I ask for the gazzilionth time.
"No! Now stay still!" Snitch sanps annoyed.
"Hmph." I obey sitting still.

Fifteen minutes later we are all in costume.
"Ready?" I place my hands on my hips.
I get answered by a chorus of yes's
We sneak out of our dorm and up to the Gryffindor dorms, getting there we find the portrait, I managed to make a deal with the painting so we could get in, apparently The fat lady hates how Brittney insults her singing, so she let us prank her AND keep our identities a secret!

Sneaking up stairs we get into Brittney and her friends dorm and put everything in place, then we sneak right out. Oh my god! I can't wait for tomorrow!!

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