Time skip

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Year 3 was great. There were hundreds of pranks and parties that we were invited to. Me and Chris started dating he was a really nice guy, he didn't mind going to the bookstore with me or admitting I was his girlfriend.

Year four was awesome too. There were massive parties and even bigger pranks. Me and Chris were still dating and since he was a year older then me he toke me to the yule ball, so I would get two Yule balls.

Year five was horrible, my mom and dad died. There was a massive fight and the slytherins weren't allowed to help. Snitchs little brother and his friends were the center of it. Apparently Harry is the chosen one. Also snitch told Harry she was his big sister and he know hates her for not telling him sooner. The girls and their parents moved into grimueld place with me. And to top it all off it turns out Chris was cheating an me with some Ravenclaw. On the bright side, Kitty and Draco Malfoy started dateing.

Now it was year six and I gotta say, I'm not looking forward to it.

"Are you done packing?!" Kitty's mom calls out.

"Yeah! Just give me a sec!" I yell back. I glance around my room before picking up my trunk.

I walk done the stairs were the girls were all waiting.

"Ready?" Asks Snitchs overly positive stepdad.

"Yeah" we all reply simply.

Next thing I knew we were at the train station.

The girls were all giving their parents heartfelt goodbyes while I just stood there.

"Goodbye Sapphire! Have a nice year!" I get instead of a motherly hug.

"Bye!" I wave dismissingly back.

Once we get a compartment on the train I pull out a small box of cereal and start eating it.

"Hey Red, you OK? You seem kinda out of it..." Kitty says cautiously. No, I wasn't OK, I wanted to scream and shout and cry over my dead parents, which was not something I let myself do. So instead I answered,

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry my head isn't on straight today." I apologize and put on a fake smile. I knew it was bad to lie to my friends its just I was the leader of our group and I needed to be strong.

"Hey guys? What do you feel about announcing that we're the Masquerades?" I ask.

"That would be awesome! We could do it after they did the sorting!" Suggests Kitty getting excited.

"Ya! Then we could do this whole bow thing!" Snitch immediately agrees.

"I don't know... We could get in a lot of trouble..." Thinks Moony logically.

"Please Moony! This could be awesome!" Pleads Kitty.

"Please, please, please!" Me and snitch gang up on her.

"Fine!" She relents with a smile.



"This is going to be awesome!"

"So, we're going to need a full plan." Moony says logically.

"I agree, how about this, after Dumbledore does the sorting we go up and announce that we're the Masquerasdes?" Snitch suggests.
"Good idea, but what about this? We change into our costumes and do this whole grand entrance thing then announce that we're the masquerades?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"And we could say this:

'Ladies and gentlemen of all houses we have some very exciting news for you! We are the masquerades!

Sapphire Black, Daughter of Lucy and Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now