Bella Thorndale, Classes and libraries

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They wake me up at eleven so we can get in costume for the prank on Mucus, I was looking forward to that immensely so I happily got up and got ready. It took an hour to get our makeup and hair and makeup. Soon enough we are once again sneak in into the Ravenclaw dorms.
"What can be swallowed but can also swallow you?" Asks the entrance of the Ravenclaw tower.
Moony thought for a minute before replying,
The portrait nods dutifully and opens the doorway. We tiptoe around the dorms until we find Mucus's dorm. We sneak in and see thankfully all of them asleep. We decided we were going to shave his head and on the top in permanent marker, 'MUCUS' luckily Moony found a spell to do the shaving part and I had the marker. Moony said the shaving spell while Kitty and Snitch made sure no one woke up. Moony finished the spell and I got to work. I wrote on his head and while I was at it I wrote across his face, 'MASQUERADE'D'. We snuck out again stifling our giggles until we got back to our dorm.

"Oh my god!" Kitty breathed heavily while laughing.
"He's gonna be SO mad when he wakes up!" Laughs Snitch along with the rest of us.
"We should get some sleep, we have classes tomorrow." Moony says maturely. For once I agree, but silently, I didn't want them to know about Bella, I didn't know why I didn't want them to know. I just did.
We all nod silently agreeing and crawl into our designated beds.
The next morning I wake up surprisingly early at six. Classes start at ten so I pulled out the book I was reading. I read three chapters when I found I couldn't concentrate on anything, I was excited to see Bella, why?

I rolled out of bed and started getting dressed. I put on my uniform and put my hair in a lose side ponytail. I also put on some lip gloss and mascara. I wanted to look nice today for some reason.

I was finished getting ready at eight the others were still asleep because we usually got up at nine. Huffing I decide to make my bed. 8:10. I look at my slightly messy area of space and clean that too. 8:30. Next I pack my bag for classes. Books, quills, ink, anything I might need. It was now 8:40 and I was massively bored beyond belief. I find a green hair bow in my bag (how did that get there??) And put that on. I smile at my reflection and hear the alarm go off, signaling that Mooney, Snitch and Kitty had to get up. I rush out of our bathroom and shout,
"Up and at 'em!!!" I smile, finally!

"Eh? What are you doing up Red? You're usually sound asleep?" Asks Moony grabbing her clothes and sliding into the bathroom.
"I woke up at 6." I reply.
"Are you wearing makeup? Are we pulling a prank?" Asks Kitty confused.
"No. I just felt like it." I answer looking at the floor, embaressed.
"Ooohhh, does Hood have a crush??" Smirks Snitch. Moony walks out of the bathroom dressed and Kitty goes in.
"Hey, Moony?" I start.
"Yeah Hoodie?"
"I-um need to go to the library after class." I spit out nervously.
"Sure, want Me to go with you?" She asks calmly.
"Naw, that's OK." I wave it off. "See ya guys!" I walk out to the great hall.

I spot Bella at the Gryffindor table so I smile and wave to her. She waves back also smiling and then looks down blushing, why? I take my usual spot at the Slytherin table and start eating waiting for the others.

The girls walk in around twenty minutes later and take a seat next to me.
"So, are you guys looking forward to classes??!!" Moony asks excitedly.
"Moony, you nerd." I smile. Kitty and Snitch giggle and agree when a guy walks up to our table he looked around a year older then us.
"Hi, my name is Chris Evans." He introduces himself then he turns to me, "I just wanted to say you're a very cute girl." That causes me to blush and look down.
"Thanks." I look back up smiling. The guy walks away and a whole bunch of third year girls scoot towards me,
"You do know who that is right?"
"He's the biggest player in school!"
"He's going to make you feel cute then dump you!"
"He seemed pretty nice." I argue. He was nice and good looking I guess.
"We have to get to class but this is our warning to you, don't let him get to you." Someone says as they walk away.
"Well, we've got classes too, so bye." Moony says for me. We walk away to our first classes talking about Chris.
"Alright everyone, class dismissed!" Proffesor McGonagall says ending my last class of the day. I grab my back and zoom to the library and to the table I met Bella. I didn't want to be late. When I got to the library I walked in slowly to our table. Bella was already there.

"Hey Bella!" I smile.
"Hey Saph!" She smiles too.
"I didn't think you would actually show up.." Bella admits honestly.
"Why?" I ask concerned.
"People used to do this to me all the time. Pretend to be my friend then back stab me." She looks down nervously at the table.
"Well, guess what."
"What?" She guesses.
"Not a guess but I'll tell you anyway, I promise I won't backstab you, plus I'm pretty loyal, I've been backstabed a few times too." I answer.
"Ah. Anyway, did you like your classes today?" She changes the subject.
"Yeah, I guess they were ok, you know, they were classes." I answer her question. "How was yours?"
"Good except I had defense against the dark arts with the Ravenclaws and Mucus, as you call him, got paired with me." She admits.
"Are you OK? He didn't hurt you did he? 'Cause if he did I'll prank him so hard his grandkids will be ashamed to have an idiot like that as a grandfather." I rant concerned.
"No, I'm fine. My arm just hurts from where I fell on it getting here." She says.
"Oh." I say embarrassed I made such a big deal.
"Its nice you care though." She quickly fixes.
"Hey Bella want to play a game?" I ask.
"Sure, what game?" She agrees.
"Its where I ask you a question then you ask me one." I explain.
"Oh okay." She understands.
"What's your favorite color?" I question first.
"Blue, yours?"
"Do you have any pets back at home?" She asks.
"No, you?"
"A dog named Redpaws."
"Are you a pureblood, muggle born or half blood?" I ask next.
"Muggleborn. I already know yours, Favorite food?" She answers. "Cereal, you?"
"Sandwiches. Favorite book?" She asks.
"Ummm... Probably the adventures of Sherlock Holmes." I answer, "yours?"
"The giver." She answers.
"Favorite class?" I question.
"Charms, you?" Answers Bella.
"Defense against the dark arts."
"Favorite animal?" Asks Bella.
"Fox, you?" I answer truthfully.
"Otters." She answers thinks a minute then asks, "Do you have any siblings?"
"No, do you?" I answer her question simply.
"Yeah, three but they've all graduated." She replies.
"Favorite candy?" I ask.
"Jelly beans, yours?" She answers smiling at my childish question.
"Blue lollipops."
"Do you want to go in the forbidden forest?" Bella lowers her voice so no one can hear her except for me.
"Yeah, that place looks cool and at the same time incredibly creepy, do you want to go in?" I answer truthfully also whispering.
"Yeah so bad, maybe one day we can sneak out." She suggests. I think a minute about my question then ask a potentially life altering decision that may determine the fate of the gaxaxy.
"Do you like cereal, if so, what is your favorite type?" I ask seriously.
"Yes, I do enjoy cereal and my favorite type would have to be lucky charms." She answers with an equally posh accent.
"Oh good, I thought I was going to have to friend break up with you!" I exclaim jokeingly causing Bella to go into a fit of giggles.
"So, a guy from Gryffindor named Chris Evans flirted with me today, do you know who he is?" I ask her.
"Yeah, stay away from him all the girls in Gryffindor have dated him, he's a third year and a huge player." Bella advises.
"Is he really that bad?" I ask next.
"I don't know, he's never talked to me, however I did hear he makes you feel special then drops you like a rock." She admits.
"Oh." I glance down at my watch to see it was four o'clock, "I should go, see you tomorrow?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure see ya!" She looks slightly disappointed but then brightens up when I ask if she wants to hang out again tomorrow.
"Bye!" I call out as I leave the library. I walked back to my dorm with a small smile on my face. I was glad she agreed to hang out tomorrow.
"Hey Hoodie, did you do a lot of studying?" Asks Moony, obviously she doubted that I actually studied.
"Yeah, I feel like I'm really ahead." I smiled, "can we go eat I'm starving?!"
"Yeah sure." The others agree. We walk to the hall and I see Bella on the way there. I smile largely and wave she waves back and smiles just as big.
"Who was that?" Asks Kitty.
"No one." I reply still smiling. I still wanted to keep Bella to myself. She was my secret. And I liked it that way.

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