Stuck on you: The Note

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Laura's pov
Domiano woke us up at 5 in the morning, he got a van and started loading it up, I knew riker was going to come for me, I knew he knew I was here so I had to leave him something, I had to leave him a note

Damiano: Laura! Get in the van, where leaving!!

Vanessa was already in the van, I placed the note on a desk we left up in my room, I ran downstairs into the van. I looked out the window as we drove away, who knows where I'll be going, or when I'll be back, but I will miss this place

Rikers pov
I woke up early in the morning, I had to leave his damn hospital, Ross come down here and checked me out. We left the hospital at 8, ross was driving home

Ross: are you alright?

Riker: yeah, it doesn't hurt like it use to

Ross: you need to rest when you get home, don't want nothing bad happening to you

Riker: no, I can't I have to find Laura

Ross stopped at the red light and looked at me

Ross: what's your deal with her? Laura

Riker: I need to find her

Ross: why? what's going on with you and her?

Riker: nothing, you just don't know what I know

Ross: and what is it? What is it that I don't know?

Riker: I can't tell you, and even if I could I wouldn't

Ross: look, she's my girlfriend! She wants me, not you! So back off alright

Riker: ex-girlfriend, and I don't like her, I'm just looking out for her, I need to find her, since your haven't done shit to find her someone has to

Ross: back off! I am looking for her, and I will find her

Riker: yeah, but you don't know where to look and I do

Ross: how do you know?

Riker: right before I was shot, Damiano told me things, I guess he thought I was gonna die

Ross: and why can't you tell me?

Riker: look I already told you enough alright, so back off let me find her

He didn't say anything back, but I knew he was pissed

Rydels pov
I woke up and right away felt arms around me, I turned around and saw Ratliff, I smiled and remembered last night, we stayed at a hotel for the night and decided to have some Rydellington time if you know what I mean

Ratliff: morning beautiful

I smiled at him

Rydel: morning

Ratliff: your brothers are going to kill me

Rydel: and why is that?

Ratliff: I didn't take you home last night

Rydel: if you die I die with you

Ratliff: God calm down, wanna be Romeo and Juliet

Rydel: way to kill the moment

Ratliff laughed

Ratliff: we better get going, riker get home today

I smiled at the thought of finally having my older brother home

Rydel: don't look

I got up and wrapped myself in the covers

Ratliff: Aww man!

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