Stuck on you: Lies

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Ross pov

Laura fell asleep right away, she looked cute, not weird at all. Laura woke up and there was only 3 more hours till we get home

Laura: Ross?

Ross: yeah....

Laura: I had fun today

Ross: me too

I smiled, she did to

Laura: can I ask you something?

Ross: shoot

Laura: why umm... why are you mad at Maia?

Ross: I think she's lying, about being pregnant

Laura: did you use condoms?

Ross: well, no

Laura: then?

Ross: I don't know, I still think she's lying

Laura: trust me I know Maia, she would never do that

Ross: me too, but still

Laura: oh Ross

I laughed

Laura: what are you going to do when we get there?

Ross: ignore her

Laura: you can't ignore her forever

Ross: she's going to get tired, eventually

Laura: no she won't

Ross: let's not talk about her, lets talk about us

Laura: us?

Ross: yeah, Austin and Ally

Laura: oh yeah, god I can't wait till our first episode!!

Ross: it's going be awesome. And the cast and crew are amazing

Laura: yeah. Hey how long till we get there?

Ross: about 3 more hours

Laura: uhhhh!!! Why didn't you just take somewhere closer to home

Ross: because, it isn't fun

Laura: we'll then

Laura's pov

I took out my phone and started going through Instagram

Laura: hey listen to this.....

Ross: I'm listening

Laura: "Are Ross and Maia over?? Today Ross was spotted with Laura Marano, he's costar from the new comedy coming this fall, 'Austin and Ally' and then Maia showed up, it looked like they were having an argument just look at the video I posted above. Is there something going on with Ross Lynch and Laura Marano? Are Ross and Maia over?

And then I played the video......

Maia: Ross, you can't run

Ross: not here Maia

Maia: oh yes here Ross, why would you leave me?

Rydel: hey Laura

Laura: hey Rydel

Maia: stop it!

Ross: no you stop it!

Laura: guys...

Ross: I can't believe you Maia, let's go Laura

Ross took me by the hand and pulled me away

Maia: Ross!!

Ross kept walking and ignored Maia

Ross: wow, who posted this?

Laura: uh, an account named 'CelebrityGossip' in Instagram

Ross: we'll the words out

Laura: what are we going to do?

Ross: I don't know

We finally got home!! yay for me, but I feel bad for Ross, I decided to stay a while in the lynchs house. We walked in and saw everyone in the living room and kitchen

Rocky: finally!

Rydel: where were you guys?

Riker: I bet they were making out

Ratliff: I bet you they weren't

Riker: I bet 30 bucks

Ratliff: deal!

Laura: uh, we weren't making out

Ratliff: pay up

Riker: I had my fingers crossed

Ratliff: pay up!

Riker: fine!

Riker gave Ratliff 30 dollars

Ratliff: cha-ching!

Ross: anyways, we where at the beach

Rydel: Maia is sleeping on the couch, she's been waiting for you guys! it's 11:37

Ross: oh we'll

Ross leaned in my ear and whispered

Ross: -whispered- no I don't get to listen to her yap

I giggled and looked away, we heard someone moan

Ross: oh no

Maia sat up and stretched and turned around

Maia: Ross!!

Ross: we'll see yah!

Ross stated walking out the door

Maia: not this time you don't!

Maia stated running over to Ross and jumped oh his back

Ross: get off me!!

Maia: no!

Ross: your crazy!!

Maia: I'm carrying your child!!

Ross: no your not!

Maia: yes I am!!

Ross pushed Maia off his back

Ross: I don't want you near me! that child isint mine!!

Maia: yes it is!!

Ross: no it's not!!

Rydel: and why is that?!


We all gasped and looked at Maia who was on the floor

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