Stuck on you: She's not ok?

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Rikers pov
I didn't like fighting with Laura, actually this was our first fight I think, I don't like it, I decided to go and try to apologize to her, I walked in Maia's room and saw Rydel talking with Maia and Ryland sitting down by the wall on his phone, but no Laura

Riker: hey guys wheres Laura?

Rydel: she went to go get Rocky and Marie

Riker: but she dosent have a car, I brought her here....

I patted my pockets, great she took my keys!

Rydel: ha! Laura stole your keys

Riker: shut up Rydel

I walked out of the room and took a taxi to where Rocky works. I walked in the store and right away I saw Laura with Rocky and Marie

Riker: Laura!

Laura turned around but when she looked at me she rolled her eyes and turned back around

Laura: Marie what's going on?

Is what I heard Laura said when I walked over to them

Marie: nothing, it's nothing

Rocky: then why do you want to get back together with me?

Marie: uh, I want to talk to you in private

Rocky: ok...

Laura: hurry up! You guys have to go see Maia she woke up

Rocky: she woke up!?

Laura nodded

Rocky: I have to go see Maia

Rocky ran out of the store

Marie: Rocky! Wait...we have to talk...

But it was to late Rocky was already outside, Marie sighed and walked out the store

Riker: Laura I'm sorry

Laura: me too

Laura started walking

Riker: please Laura, I just...I didn't like seeing you and Ross together

Laura stopped and looked at me

Laura: Riker you don't have to worry about me cheating on you, I would never, besides me and Ross and really close, I've known his longer than you so we're close friends, your going to have to accept that

Riker smiled

Riker: I'm sorry

Laura smiled at me and hugged me

Laura's pov
When I told Riker I would never hurt him, i felt bad bad because I already cheated on him! And I regret it, but what I said about me and Ross was true we are close friends

Laura: let's go home

Riker: what about maia?

Laura: I already saw her, she'll be fine

Riker: ok, but let's stop for ice cream

Laura: ok

We stopped for ice cream then went home, we walked in and saw ross sitting in the same spot as when I left

Ross: hey Laura

Ross didn't turn around

Riker: how did you know it was Laura?

Ross turned around surprised

Ross: oh sorry I thought it was just Laura, hey Riker

Riker: how did you know it was Laura?

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