Chapter 16 - My Life, Rainforest Edition

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8:30pm, Green Track Hostel

I think I figured out why I've been getting unusually overheated the first 30 minutes of each ceremony-I've been using insect repellant with DEET before each ceremony. I put it together last night: the heat flashes at the beginning of each ceremony must be because I am allergic to DEET. I never use the DEET otherwise. It's the only explanation.

The ceremony was long, longer than I expected and I didn't sleep well afterwards. I must have only slept a couple hours because I went to bed late and woke up before the sun. I couldn't fall back to sleep; I tried, but I just laid there feeling lonely.

Until a few minutes ago, I was in my hammock reading. Otillia came to see me and brought me a small cup of Chiri Sonanga. It's an interesting plant medicine, but hard to describe. Its effects are subtle and I need more time to understand its benefits.

The ceremony was long, but it was never as grand an experience as I'd hoped for. It hurt less than last time, but it still wasn't profound. The whole time I felt sober, and in my conscious mind.

The only special thing that sticks out from last night was a time near the beginning when my senses all seemed amplified. It was pitch dark and silent, but my eyes and ears were hyper-sensitive. I was able to look into the darkness and see, almost like night-vision, and I could hear each drop of rain and every animal and bug so clearly. That part was interesting, but I'm not here to sit in a room and trip out. I want to move forward as a human. I want to improve myself.

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