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Do you remember when we used to sit in your room 

When we would talk and talk until night arrived

We still didn't stop because it was with you, you were my best friend

But people grow up and people grow old

The sensation when you would smile and laugh because of me

Now all you do is hit and make fun of me

I understand it's just a joke but sometimes it hurts

I know you show your affection that way but again, it hurts 

You talk to other people, that's fine cause I do to

But when you would say 'they could replace me' as a joke?

That makes my heart ache knowing that more than 10 years of our lives together just meant nothing

That's what my mind thinks over and over and over again

Maybe if you would word things differently

Maybe it's me? 

Why do I always feel left out

Pushed away 


That's my issue

Replace me, that's what you do

Even though it might hurt 

It's what's best for you

So, do it

If you want to lose the friendship of 'I miss you's' and 'let's hang out' then go for it

I mean it's not like it was just me and you

You always have a replacement for me


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