Chapter 5 - That Premonition

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Y0urNam3 is typing...

Jayden was on his couch when saw the text appear. He was not in the mood to do any homework after that Physics period, and was checking his messages, which were mostly empty. Upon seeing that y/n was online, he shifted his attention to the direct messages page - perhaps he could get some answers.

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:32 PM
Busy day huh

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:33 PM
What did peicheng say after class

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:33 PM

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:33 PM
I saw him talking to you or something

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:34 PM
He said he was gonna kill me or something lol
Like what he said to u b4

Peicheng had a habit of threatening other students with killing them, though he never followed through. The IB programme had harsh punishments for uncontained horseplay of any kind. It seemed that y/n was simply the next to get the treatment.

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:36 PM
Welcome to the club
How was physics

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:36 PM
I didnt do anything lmao 😶

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:36 PM
Better than bio?

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:36 PM
Do u sit next to peicheng everytime

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:37 PM
Mhm 😔
Ive gotten used to him but idk
Somethings not right

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:38 PM
Does he always tell ppl that hes gonna kill them

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:38 PM
Idk why lol

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:39 PM
Cuz he just dmed me saying that again

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:40 PM

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:41 PM
Its nothing

┍@Y0urNam3 Cuz he just dmed me saying that again
Sir JayJayy Today at 5:42 PM
Did he say hes gonna kill you again 💀

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:44 PM
Yeah basically

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:45 PM
Just ignore him ig
He usually stops saying that after a few days
Im the only person he still says it to

Y0urNam3 Today at 5:48 PM

Sir JayJayy Today at 5:50 PM
Are u going to the music Centre again tmr

Sir JayJayy Today at 6:24 PM

Jayden only realized it was 6:30 when his phone screen automatically changed to night mode. Had he really been texting y/n for that long? He thought that she had wanted nothing to do with him after the incident at Buckland's Beach. Jayden assumed that y/n's inactivity was due to them eating dinner or something, but he did not dwell on their idleness, and instead decided to find himself some food of his own. He promptly left his apartment, and strolled down to the Noodle Canteen at The Plaza, his hands sunken into his puffer jacket pockets like an ostrich's head in warm sand.

Upon walking through the automatic doors, he caught a glimpse of Samuel behind the counter. He was cleaning a porcelain bowl patterned with stereotypically oriental designs. Jayden was relieved to see Samuel on this gloomy Friday.

"Yo," Jayden began. Samuel looked up.

"How's y/n?" Samuel spontaneously said, "I heard you two have... history."


"I'm sure it's nothing. You two seem to get along pretty well anyway."

"You weren't even in my physics class. You haven't even seen them interact with me."

"Whatever. What you getting today?"

Several days passed, and y/n had escaped the chrysalis of changing classes - they no longer received any strange looks from the physics students... except Peicheng. Jayden could not help but be slightly troubled by this - especially since y/n was looking more and more fed up with his behavior. After one school day, Jayden went home and messaged them.

Sir JayJayy Today at 3:58 PM
Bruh what does peicheng want from you 💀
He's been doing this for weeks
Whats going on

Y0urNam3 Today at 4:05 PM
This is getting annoying
I know how u feel now lol

Sir JayJayy Today at 4:05 PM
He doesnt usually keep this up for that long wit new students

┍@Y0urNam3 This is getting annoying
Sir JayJayy Today at 4:05 PM
I can talk to him if u want
I completely understand how you feel bout this
Sometimes i want to do things but idk what the consequences could be

Y0urNam3 Today at 4:07 PM
Tell him to stop cuz im actually starting to get a bit worried
Lol idk
But yeah

┍@Y0urNam3 Tell him to stop cuz im actually starting to get a bit worried
Sir JayJayy Today at 4:08 PM
Imma tell him tomorrow

Y0urNam3 Today at 4:11 PM

Jayden placed the phone down on his desk, and the screen blackened. Whatever Peicheng was doing, it needed to stop. Jayden was already fed up with being his personal punching bag, but his damage had thoroughly saturated Jayden already - now it was spreading to y/n, and Jayden didn't like one bit of it. That premonition had come back, and Jayden was not going to stay idle any longer - we would take action, for there was no way in hell he would let y/n down again.

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